Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Blogs7 Principles of "Idea Dumping"Merlin Mann | Aug 16 20067 Idea Dumping Tips (How To Manage Diarrhea of the Brain) at LifeDev LifeDev lays out some good tips for "idea dumping," based on these seven ideas.
Of course I'm a big fan of #1, but I also think there's some terrific advice in #3 (Plan for not planning on it):
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Bokardo: Apple moving deeper into social software?Merlin Mann | Aug 15 2006Bokardo » Apple Making Huge Social Software Push? Via Andy, here's a thought-provoking post that draws from a mosaic of current and forthcoming features (including Wiki Server, iCal Calendar Sharing and the nifty-sounding Teams) to suggest that Apple's moving toward some interesting directions in social software and enhanced functionality for teams. Joshua writes:
Download Squad: Windows GTD appsMerlin Mann | Aug 14 2006Getting Things Done Software Systems (Part 1 of 2) - Download Squad Download Squad has posted the first in a two-part series reviewing systems for supporting Getting Things Done. It includes an overview of the GTD basics, plus apps for Windows and PDAs. The next edition will cover "online software." read more »POSTED IN:
What does your inbox say about you?Merlin Mann | Aug 14 2006Salt Lake Tribune - Your e-mail inbox is a metaphor for your life Jeffrey Zaslow rang me up a while back for a quote that made it into his WSJ article (mirrored many places, including here) on what your email style says about you, your habits, and your "mental health." It's a fun piece, and I was happy to contribute, but I'm not altogether on-board with the thesis. read more »POSTED IN:
AskMe: Motivation to do things you dislikeMerlin Mann | Aug 14 2006motivation solutions? | Ask MetaFilter Good Ask Metafilter thread on finding ways to motivate yourself to do things you don't want to do. Good advice so far includes:
Great tips, and a good time to mention The Procrastination Dash and most especially The (10+2)*5 Hack. POSTED IN:
Folders for organization _and_ actionMerlin Mann | Aug 10 2006I recently ran across a mostly-helpful post on a website that mentioned the importance of using email folders for "organization." For some reason, this made me wince. I suspect it's because the day I got good at email was the day when I stopped organizing my messages and started focusing on doing something about them. Is this a distinction without a difference? I don't think so, and I'll tell you why. As one of the holiest sacraments in the Church of Productivity Pr0n, folders -- be they physical, digital, mind-mapped, or purely notional -- represent the canonical way to put information into thoughtful piles. Folders of any sort afford a kind of higher-level, low-stress thinking that GTD fans in particular seek out. Folders do lots of stuff well:
So, yeah, folders are great at all of these things, for sure, and yeah, they do help you to get organized, especially in the sense of having less stuff in your life that's sitting around unprocessed. But at what point can a folder become an impediment to smart and timely action? Put more generically: how do we not allow the buckets and cubbyholes in our lives to become affordances for procrastination and dis-organization? read more »POSTED IN: