Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
BlogsDine-O-Matic (and the Dashboard widgets we love)Merlin Mann | Sep 6 2006I finally found a "business case" for Dashboard today with the discovery of the perfectly-delightful Dine-O-Matic, a beautiful little widget from the graphical geniuses at Iconfactory that does precisely one thing: choose a random restaurant for you to eat at. read more »53 Comments
TextExpander: Essential Mac shortcut utilityMerlin Mann | Sep 5 2006TextExpander just got an update that adds a few features and fixes to this already essential OS X PreferencePane. Via email:
I have to say, I just love TextExpander (formerly “Texpander”). Its functionality is not unique — users of, say, TextMate, TypeIt4Me, or Windows’ popular ActiveWords (Hi, Buzz), or for that matter, Vim, will recognize the similarities. But, brother, is it ever easy to setup, modify, and use. At the heart of it, TE gives you system-wide text shortcuts that, when typed, explode into much longer bits of text or can even, say, paste in an image, like your scanned signature. So, for example, if you’re sick of retyping a new email sig, you can store it in TE and assign “ A screenshot of the control panel, courtesy of the Smile on My Mac site: There’s just too many uses for TextExpander to try and catalog here, but I'll share a few that I particularly like... read more »POSTED IN:
GTD with a Mac label maker?Merlin Mann | Sep 4 2006multipart/mixed: Turbo-Charging the Dymo LabelWriter I love my Brother PT-65, which is regarded by many as the unofficial official label maker of GTD nerds (and which, quizzically, appears to have been discontinued :-(). The PT-65 has easily paid back its modest sticker price with three years of faithful service. Trouble is, I like using it so much that it's gotten to be kind of a pain to pull it out and Blackberry-thumb-type my bajillion labels via its teeny keys. Now, I want something that hooks up to my Mac. Josh Carter's gotten me interested in the Dymo LabelWriter 330 Turbo via this handy tutorial from late last year, which covers basic setup info, plus a tip on speeding up the creation of a new label with Quicksilver. Josh has good stuff to say about the 330:
Anybody using one of these units or similar? Care to recommend a label maker of any brand that hooks up via USB and works well with Tiger/OS X? I ♥ my little Brother, but I'm ready for Label Maker 2.0! POSTED IN:
Glenn Wolsey: 6 email tipsMerlin Mann | Sep 1 2006Glenn Wolsey—6 Ways To Organize - Your Mail Application Glenn Wolsey has a great little post on how he's set up and is using He's got some very smart stuff here, including an intriguing approach to minimalist mailbox management:
The "Interesting" folder is a new one to me, and, although I personally favor a more verb-y approach to my email buckets, that would be a cool way to bubble up stuff you don't want to miss after a big round of processing. As we covered in Inbox Zero, it's all about liberating the actions out of your mail. Like any of this stuff, if the system makes sense to you and gives you transparent affordances for instantly knowing "where it goes" and "what you need to do about it," then you're on to something. Nice work, Glenn! POSTED IN:
Michael Angeles: Hipster PDA gearMerlin Mann | Aug 31 2006The evolving configuration of my LowFi PDA | urlgreyhot Michael Angeles on his super-slim lofi setup and a very cool-sounding pen:
Ooooo...Daddy like. Anybody else tried this Inka Pen? Looks like a very clever design. (See also: Gizmodo: The Inka Pen Lets You Write Underwater) POSTED IN:
Generate your official sealMerlin Mann | Aug 30 2006The Offical Seal Generator is a tremendously enjoyable, old-school-interweb way to fritter away your day. Believe me, I know. [via The Presurfer] POSTED IN: