Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Personal ProductivityOpen Thread: The '43 Folders' of money management sites?Merlin Mann | Sep 29 2006You tell me. What are your favorite sites about managing your money? Any places out there you think might especially appeal to 43 Folders readers? Feel free to toss in your favorite books on the matter, too. read more »66 Comments
Merlin on David Allen TechGTD PanelMerlin Mann | Sep 29 2006GTD Connect [TechGTD] Members of David Allen's GTD Connect membership program can login to hear a technology panel that David conducted with tech über-geek Eric Mack, DavidCo CTO Robert Peake, and myself down in Ojai a few weeks back. We talk about all kinds of stuff related to tech in general, and how we use GTD and technology in particular. One nice thing you learn: Robert, who is the wildly gifted tech stud at DavidCo, is a big Mac user. Pretty cool. Note that this is made available as part of the GTD Connect for-pay service, so I don't have a way to preview this for folks who aren't a member. But for Connectors who are joined up, I think you'll enjoy the conversation. It was a lot of fun to do. POSTED IN:
LifeClever: Dot Mac needs more than a paint jobMerlin Mann | Sep 28 2006Apple finally revamps .Mac webmail, but does anyone care? » LifeClever I have to admit, I'm solidly in LifeClever's corner on this one. They write:
A few years ago, things like WebDAV were a novelty that was awesome but hard to find and setup, even on most shared server accounts -- I have four, and only one currently supports it out of the box -- but it's certainly not enough goods for the average user, even when you look at the other pieces of the .Mac offering. Not for that kind of dough. read more »POSTED IN:
Sloan get organized for new recordMerlin Mann | Sep 27 2006One of my favorite bands, Sloan, has a new record called Never Hear the End of It that just came out last week in Canada (currently only purchasable via import in the US; in Canada, you can buy it on MapleMusic). While recording the CD, Sloan also shot a bunch of short in-studio videos, including a couple that reveal their innately organizational side. read more »POSTED IN:
Ethan on Kinkless and OmniFocusMerlin Mann | Sep 27 2006Hold breath. Exhale. Focus. | Kinkless I don't have much to add to Ethan's (typically entertaining and gracious) post about OmniFocus -- an under-development OmniGroup app that will bring Kinkless' functionality to a stable and powerful Cocoa application. But, first off: Yay! The Kinkless is dead! Long live the Kinkless! read more »POSTED IN:
Merlin on MacBreak Weekly: Wax On, Wax OffMerlin Mann | Sep 26 2006In which Alex is still on about the notional iPhone (and its current-day antecedents), Leo loves his lumber-swinging MacPro, Scott is completely full of beans, and everyone rags me mercilessly about my fondness for new age nap software. read more »POSTED IN:
kGTD tutorials: Projects and actions, Timed actionsMerlin Mann | Sep 26 200643F Wiki user ThePolack has been putting together some great kGTD tutorials, including a useful introduction to using the Projects and Actions sections that covers several of the features that most folks only figure out after a few weeks of regular usage. Handy. But, I want to especially highlight his tutorial on using timed and dated actions in kGTD. These are powerful features that have caused considerable confusion for users, and ThePolack provides a lucid explanation of how the different events work and how you can use them to manage all those little periodic tasks that pop up in your life. read more »POSTED IN:
Merlin on MacBreak Weekly: The Safeword is "Banana"Merlin Mann | Sep 22 2006MacBreak Weekly 7: The Safe Word is Banana
Plus, of course, there's a repeated Family Guy reference, and we learn that Scott plays his treasured Edison cylinders on the most costly modern equipment available. read more »POSTED IN:
"My Dream App" voting open til Midnight EDTMerlin Mann | Sep 22 2006The My Dream App competition (for which I'm a judge) has reached the first elimination round, so you have just a few hours to place your vote and help whittle the contestants down to the next round of 18. read more »POSTED IN:
Undo branches in Vim 7Merlin Mann | Sep 20 2006All about Linux: A visual walk through of a couple of the new features in Vim 7.0. Version 7.0 of Vim has some sexy new features under the hood, including the ability to jump back in time -- you can undo your app to where you were a few minutes earlier, for example. As explained by All about Linux: read more »POSTED IN: