Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
September, 2005'Where it began / I can't begin to knowin'...'Merlin Mann | Sep 30 2005How did people start singing “Sweet Caroline” at Red Sox games? read more »8 Comments
Web 1.0: <BR> Away!Merlin Mann | Sep 29 2005
Web 1.0 is just around the corner, so iron your New Media Blue™ shirt and recharge your ginormous cellphone, because we’re going public, bitch.
So. What remains is to nail down the coordinates. I’m going to a big blow-out on Thursday (the 6th), but I wonder if actual Web 2.0 attendees can clue me to any other major evening events on whose toes we mustn’t step. Spill, please. Post thoughts and ideas here; watch the page for news on the final happs. Like I say, let’s try to make this one better-attended than the last one. Many thanks to our Web 1.0 sponsors
Jeff Covey: Running a _Progressive_ DashMerlin Mann | Sep 28 2005Reader Jeff Covey shares how he’s started beating procrastination with a dash. Jeff’s system features a very fast daily start-up and a clever way to make sure every to-do gets touched first thing every morning. read more »POSTED IN:
Mannerheim's Hipster PDAMerlin Mann | Sep 27 2005
Fingers crossed that I wasn’t the only person who had to look up who Carl Mannerheim was. My Finnish history is, let us say, uneven. POSTED IN:
Recap: Ben Franklin, interstitial time, to-do lists, dashes, and sensible emailMerlin Mann | Sep 26 2005It’s been a busy last few weeks here, and, since I see so many new faces out there (waves to the new people), I wanted to recap a few of the posts that visitors seem to have enjoyed this month. read more »POSTED IN:
Tiger's Spotlight: Smart Folders to monitor for large filesMerlin Mann | Sep 26 2005As my media collection grows and my downloads get larger and more frequent, my poor PowerBook is almost always this close to being completely full. Having an overstuffed drive can hammer your performance as well as take you off-task (“You Startup Disk is almost full…”), so regular deletion of crufty files is a part of most folks' regular Mac maintenance. Although OmniDiskSweeper is my favorite way to exhaustively comb a drive for fat-assed files, it can be time-consuming on a large drive. So I often do a surgical strike with a few simple Spotlight Smart Folders to identify the most likely candidates for fast deletion. A few very basic suggestions: read more »POSTED IN:
Throw yourself upon the gears...of your assy companyMerlin Mann | Sep 23 2005A spectre is haunting your office...the spectre of passionate users. read more »POSTED IN:
Scarlet Letters: Creative tips for artistsMerlin Mann | Sep 23 2005the Scarlet Letters: Notes on Making Art This is a terrific bunch of notes on hacking your creative process, especially as it applies to visual art. I really love the idea of not getting hung up on your failures and trying always to make rather than judge as the process is underway. It reminds me favorably of what Anne Lamott says about fearlessly producing your “shitty first draft.” A few of the points I especially enjoyed: read more »POSTED IN:
Happy Discardia: Let something goMerlin Mann | Sep 22 2005Today begins the next season of Discardia (this one runs today through October 3rd). ‘Tis the season to get rid of some crap. Dinah says: read more »POSTED IN:
Kendall Clark: AlphaSmart Neo's interesting for what it's _not_Merlin Mann | Sep 21 2005On the Joys of Primitive Computing: The AlphaSmart Neo I keep hearing rumblings about the AlphaSmart Neo, but haven’t put my hands to one yet. Anybody out there got one? Tried one? Seems a bit steep at $250, but I’d love to play with one Kendall Clark seems to think Neo’s part of a larger trend: read more »POSTED IN:
How do you get creative with your phonecam?Merlin Mann | Sep 21 2005Your mobile phone camera can be more than a fast way to send your kitty photos to Grandma Pearl. Like a lot of people, I use mine as a ubiquitous capture device, recording ephemeral information and visual documentation wherever and whenever it’s needed. I’m mostly curious to hear how other folks are using their phonecams (open comments below), but I’ll get the ball rolling with a few ideas, old and new: read more »POSTED IN:
Stack of index card linksMerlin Mann | Sep 21 2005A quick Google search yesterday afternoon ended up turning into an index card surfin’ safari. Thought I’d share some of the spoils of my distraction in the form of some fun links. Some of these are pretty great, and a few are sort of silly, but you do have to love the breadth of uses to which people can put their brain and a penny’s worth of cardstock. read more »POSTED IN:
Recent Side Links: 2005-09-20Merlin Mann | Sep 20 2005Crazy experiment. For the occasional benefit of the RSS-only visitors (and maybe even you): the last 10 links posted to the 43F siderail. read more »POSTED IN:
The _Not_-To-Do-ListMerlin Mann | Sep 19 2005I suspect Jeffrey’s Not-To-Do list could use a place over most of our desks some days. read more »POSTED IN:
Tricked-out French adaptation of GTDTiddlyWikiMerlin Mann | Sep 19 2005This adaptation of GTDTiddlyWiki looks amazing. read more »POSTED IN:
Writing sensible email messagesMerlin Mann | Sep 19 2005As we've seen before, getting your inbound email under control will give you a huge productivity boost, but what about all the emails you send? If you want to be a good email citizen and ensure the kind of results you're looking for, you'll need to craft messages that are concise and easy to deal with. read more »POSTED IN:
Textpander: An end at last to email from 'Melrin'Merlin Mann | Sep 17 2005Peter Maurer [Textpander] It took me about 5 seconds to fall hopelessly in love with Textpander. Like so many wonderful things in the world (*waves to Unix apps*) it does exactly one thing: it replaces text you type with other text (or images). So, how would you use this? God, how wouldn’t you? Here’s the bullets from the Textpander page: read more »POSTED IN:
Top 10 RSS clicksMerlin Mann | Sep 16 2005(Speaking of Feedburner...) As much as a stats nerd as I am, I’ve never paid too much attention to the data Feedburner provides on which items have been most “popular” among the (now ~10k) people who read 43F through the RSS feed. In fact, I only realized the other day that I can actually see which items have gotten the most “clicks” since day one. If you’re curious about which posts were a hit in their time with the XML-enabled geekerati, read on. read more »POSTED IN:
Please subscribe to the fancy Feedburner RSS feedMerlin Mann | Sep 16 2005If you dig reading 43F in RSS or Atom format, please make sure you’re currently subscribed to the FeedBurner link. It looks like this: That’s a “smart feed” so you’ll apparently get either RSS or Atom depending on your reader’s preferences. Please don’t ask me to explain how this bit of computer magic works; I don’t actually understand how the water gets in my house, so XML is a bit of stretch for me. Anyhow, if you’re currently getting the feed through the “” or “” links, please make sure to resubscribe today then you can delete the old feed from your reader. Cuz they ain’t getting updated no more. Handy, one-click subscription buttons follow: read more »POSTED IN:
Fall's coming: Clean that styMerlin Mann | Sep 16 2005Top 10 Things To Do During Nesting Month - Great tips from Apartment Therapy on reclaiming your fetid little nest for Autumn. read more »POSTED IN:
Lifehacker features (and craving more)Merlin Mann | Sep 15 2005Our pals over at Lifehacker have a new section of Features where they’re posting longer how-tos and tutorials on all manner of cool stuff. Don’t miss How to set up a personal home web server, How to control your home computer from anywhere, and Professional E-mail Tips. These are all very well done and super-useful. Permit me to extend two enthusiastic horns of rock toward the Lifehacker domain to celebrate this august move. The crew there is composed of some very smart cookies, and it’s really cool to see them spreading their wings and being encouraged to augment their link blogging with excellent original content. This is good. Just because no one’s asked me yet, I’ll volunteer a stray factoid: the sites like 43F that I ever visit more than occasionally have some things in common: a) they have an original voice and a point of view, b) the authors make an effort to create and share new content and ideas—or at least present old ones in a new or contextual way. read more »POSTED IN:
Michael Hyatt: Great trick for tracking delegated emailsMerlin Mann | Sep 15 2005Tracking delegated emails + invoking Lazy Web for an Entourage Applescript read more »POSTED IN:
Assertiveness with LADDERMerlin Mann | Sep 15 2005Learning to stand up for what you want without either being trampled or disrespecting others. read more »POSTED IN:
Hipster PDA One?Merlin Mann | Sep 14 2005I so love that Mr. Bush wrote his request for a bathroom break in what appears to be a disassembled Hipster PDA. read more »POSTED IN:
Hipster PDA for writers, othersMerlin Mann | Sep 14 2005Over on, SusanBeth outlines how she’s created a writer’s version of the Hipster PDA. read more »POSTED IN: