Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
The *Perfect* Weekly Planner?
Andy Welfle | Dec 12 2007
Friends, For most of my adult life (well, high school and beyond), I have been on the search for the perfect weekly planner. For a while, I was convinced that I found it in the mid-sized Gallery Leather weekly planner, but as I switched jobs, and realized that I need to keep an active to-do list for myself, I've realized that it doesn't do for me what I want it to. See, I've tried and tried and TRIED to computerize my planner and to-do list. I have a Mac at home and at work, and I love them! I even love Apple's software (especially the Leopard OS X upgrade) iCal and the Mail app. But I have found that as I start out updating it diligently, I just fall out of the habit of using it if it is on the computer. I also love the Google Calendar interface, but I run into the same thing. I just need paper. Here's where I need your help -- below is a list of requirements. Do you use a planner fitting these criteria? Are you looking for the same thing I am? • Needs to be in the 5.5" x 8.5" range -- slightly bigger or smaller is all right. • The week has to fit onto one page or one spread. • There cannot be markers on the day for hours. My day doesn't start at 8 and end at 5, so don't fence me in! • I would really like some extra space on each page or spread to make notes or to-do lists. • It has to have simple styling -- one simple color or design. None of this "180 Great Views of Ireland's Splendor" kinda stuff. • I need a bookmarker or tabs to indicate where I am in the book, so I can easily turn to the right page. • No spiral-binding. Yes, I know that makes it lay flat easier, but I'm left handed. That binding hurts. Plus, I like to feel like what I'm writing in is a book. Sound picky? Well, it is. You looking for the same thing I am? Or do you have any suggestions? Anything a must in your weekly planner? Please, share! 61 Comments
In the same boat....Submitted by nukediver on December 14, 2007 - 9:27am.
I'm with kelliekp on this one - the Moleskine 12-month weekly planner. I just picked one up last week. I went so far as to put together a Circa system, and while I love all things Levenger, I can't seem to tweak it to meet (what I'm discovering to be) my simple needs. A self-avowed gadget freak, I carry an iPhone, and until this past June had used some form of Palm/Treo for almost 10 years. I was almost ready to throw in the towel, electronically speaking, because of Palm's crappy Mac support and less than perfect Mac user options for syncing, when along came Mr. Jobs with his phone. While the iPhone is working very well for me, I still want to be able to put pen to paper when I'm creating my to-do list. I also like to be able to see my week in front of me. These are what my needs seem to have boiled down to, and this planner is looking like "it" for me. » POSTED IN: