43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

First Look: Evernote for the iPhone

(Oh, man. I’ve got a crazy busy day today, but it just got a lot busier thanks to an intoxicating morning with the iPhone 2.0 update and the iTunes App Store. I’ll try and sneak in a few little posts today on the amazing new apps as time permits)

Evernote (iTunes App Store Link)

  • Free
  • works with Evernote web and desktop apps

I need to do a full post on [Evernote](Evernote](http://www.evernote.com/) here some time soon, because it really is a nifty little application for collecting, storing, and organizing practically any kind of information you can throw at it. The iPhone version is a stripped-down, all-business version of the app that will scratch an itch for Evernote fans who are fatigued by having to email everything to the mothership.

More after the jump, including how to take screengrabs like this on your iPhone 2.0...

The Evernote iPhone app is crazy-simple to use, and rightfully focuses on mobile capture. Photos, voice, and text can be sent directly into your Big Evernote Database -- including the handy inclusion of location data which will show up in Evernote as Lat/Long, all thanks to iPhone's 2.0 location magic (and yes: the location stuff works fine without GPS; I do wonder how that will affect sales of what's starting to look like a costly 3G iPhone I can personally do without).

You can also access your existing stuff in browsable list form, or by searching, And, yes, once the photo you take in Evernote has synced with the EN site, the OCR makes any readable text in the image searchable from the iPhone app. Very nicely done.

Cool New iPhone Feature: Built-in Screen Capture

Nota frickin' bene: How did I get screengrabs on an uncracked 2.0 iPhone? Easy. Click the Home button and the top (Power) button at the same time to capture a PNG of the current screen to the Photo Viewer (grabbable later via iPhoto). Hat tip to Jason Snell for this awesome little bit of magic.

yesno's picture

Good bye, Evernote.

From the Evernote forums. The only offline access they intend to add is that same as I can already get through Mail.app's Notes feature. Good-bye, Evernote. (I guess it could still be useful if you do a lot of "web clipping," but I use del.icio.us for that sort of thing.)

"Thanks for the feedback. We're finishing a rewrite of our POP/IMAP mail gateway, which would let you pull down a copy of all of your notes, which you can read offline on any smart phone (including the iPhone). This will provide the first level of "offline" support. Building a full synchronizing client on the phone is also of interest, but this turns out to be a lot of extra work, so won't happen in the short term.

We're also considering options around mobile editing ... as you say, this would need to give you a lot of warning that it will discard all formatting, images, audio, PDF, etc. We just want to make sure that this is more useful than irritating."




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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