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Tagging Text in a Document (OS X)
J | Feb 4 2008
I am looking for a method to tag portions of text in a MS word document. I am a law student, and I do a copicious amount of research and note taking. While I have a format to most of my notes and outlines, it would be a boon if I could tag sections of notes within the document. Thus I could later search for not only a keyword but a topic. This would help ID aspects of the topic that are not best expressed in the the major point heading. If an example helps please see my post at macworld forums: Please note that I will use any text editor that will allow me to tag the text, but right now most of my notes are in Word. Thanks, J 2 Comments
hacky, but workableSubmitted by dellis on February 4, 2008 - 8:40pm.
From your macworld example, all I can guess is to cheat the system a little. Start all of your tags with a special character, so it would be tagged +Scalia +Rules. Spotlight will pick up the special character and ignore all of the non-tagged versions of Scalia. This should also work within Word using the find feature so you can put tags throughout the documents too. Speaking as an attorney, you don't really need to look up Scalia dissents (or majority opinions). He decides cases the same way for the same reasons every time. He is an adjudicating robot. And Thomas opinions will be, "I agree with Scalia, but felt like writing something too." ;-) » POSTED IN: