43 Folders

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Need to merge folders and data without losing files.


I am new to this forum, but have been listening to merlin and reading for a long time. I will get right to the problem.

My data is a mess. I have a 500gb external drive bulging at the seams with duplicate files and folders. The problem occurred because my wife and I both backup to this drive. We now have our own folders full of the same files(mostly music). Now bear with me. I hope this doesn't get too complicated.

At the moment I have a drive that looks similar to this

z:\my music\joe smith\track a, b, c, d etc.

z:\her music\joe smith\track a

i need to find an app or script or something that will allow me to merge both joe smith folders combining the tracks without deleting.

Anybody know of a way to do that?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. My hard drive is getting full, and I am not looking forward to fixing this problem by hand.


Admiral Sadowsky's picture

Good tool but not quite what I had in mind.

This is a very good tool. Thanks for the recommendation but not exactly what I was looking for. My problem is more with the folders than the files. My folders have different contents due to two different users having folders of the same names. I need to be able to put two folders of the same name together meanwhile merging the data. I want to merge folders not replace folders. Combine the data in folder one with folder two of the same name.

If i can elaborate on my previous example.

z:\my music\joe smith\track a, b, c, d etc.

z:\her music\joe smith\track a

when I create a new folder Z:\OURMUSIC\JOE SMITH

and I drag in folder Joe Smith from my music, I have a folder with multiple tracks of music. But I want to be able to bring in her folder without knowing what the contents of the folder are. When I drag in the folder from her music, I get the question do you want to replace folder "Joe Smith"(mine) with folder "Joe Smith"(hers). When I do so I get a folder which contains only one track of music instead of just replacing the one file.

I know this is a very long winded explanation of my problem. I also know the amount of time is has taken me to type this post I could have already solved my problem by doing it manually. But I would like to find an easy software solution for my wife who is not nearly as geeky as myself.

If you have gotten this far I must thank you for your time as I know alot of it has been spent on my long winded explanation.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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