43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

moving files with quicksilver

as a student i'm often downloading files from my teachers homepages, like pdf slides. Normally, my browser saves them in "Downloads" Folder and shows them with preview.

what i like to do is to move the file while i see it with preview. because right now i always have to open "Downloads", click on the file and then use quicksilver to move the file...

isn't there a way to it right away from preview?

thx, simon

(and sorry if i posted this topic in the wrong place in this forum)

Berko's picture

Title bar

If you want to move things in the Finder from Preview, try grabbing the icon in the title bar and dragging it to your desired location.

If you really want to use Quicksilver to do it, follow these steps:

  1. Invoke Quicksilver
  2. Type as much of "Preview" as necessary to find Preview.app
  3. / or right-arrow into Preview (This is Preview's documents history, so your current document should be at the top.)
  4. Tab to the action pane.
  5. Type as much of "Move to" as necessary to find Move to...
  6. Tab to the indirect object pane.
  7. Type as much of the destination directory's name as necessary to locate it.
  8. Press enter
  9. There is no step 9!

Also, you might look at Hazel from NoodleSoft. My computing experience is miserable without Hazel as I frequently need to move things to particular directories as well. As long as it's the same directory, Hazel is an ideal choice for this.

Let us know what method works out best for you.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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