Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Getting Ahead without Getting Behind.
Shay Arnett | Oct 16 2007
I work a full-time job (that I don't particularly enjoy), have a wife and little girl (that I do enjoy), and am going to school online full-time. GTD is helping me to make the best use of my available time, but it doesn't seem like enough. My someday/maybe list is growing increasingly longer, and my career is at a stand still until I finish school. I want to switch careers, more specifically I want to develop web applications with Ruby on Rails(RoR). Currently though, I don't have the spare time needed to devote to RoR. My job is barely paying the bills, so I can't save up a reserve to quit work for a while and develop full-time. I refuse to give up what little family time I have, PERIOD! And with school, I don't have the time to pickup any projects that require more than a couple hours of work a week. By 11:30 I am exhausted, and the 30 minutes or so that I have free at that time is usually less than productive. My day job is becoming more and more frustrating. I don't think I will be able to continue this job, and full-time school for the 4 years that is needed to complete my degree. So, how can I get ahead without getting behind? I am running out of ideas, but know that something has got to change. 7 Comments
re: ebrodeurSubmitted by shayarnett on October 18, 2007 - 11:26am.
Thank you for the tips on positive reinforcement. I didn't mean for the post to sound so gloomy, or to come off that I was special because my job sucks. I am not happy with my job and want to change it, not just blow off steam. I wasn't intending for it to look like I was searching for a system either. I like GTD so far, it is helping me tremendously. I am not depressed that my someday/maybe list is getting long, that line meant to read that I have eliminated all of the unnecessary commitments in my life by moving them to someday/maybe. The reason for the post was to drum up some creative ideas on how I could make a career change with 5-10 hours of free time scattered throughout the week. Hope that kinda clears up my intentions, and thanks for the suggestions. » POSTED IN: