43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Recommendations for new bluetooth headset???

Hey gang,

Long-time listener, first time caller ...

I'm in the process of "upgrading" my bluetooth headset. I currently have the Motorola H500 (I think that's the model number) that I use exclusively with my cell phone (a Motorola Q).

Lately the headset has been making me very unhappy. It has a propensity to switch the call from handset to headset with little warning and even less reason. I'm sure there's something I'm doing wrong here, but its unclear to me what that is.

The single button design might be elegant, but its not all that convenient. I'm not a big fan of wearing the thing on my ear all the time, so I frequently turn it off and slip it into a pocket. The problem comes when the single button gets bumped while in my pocket - one click turns the headset on, the second click brings up the last dialed number, and the third click dials the number. Thankfully I've only called my wife, but even I can tell this is a disaster waiting to happen.

So I'm considering replacing the headset. The problem is that I have no idea what to buy. So I thought I'd ask the trusty 43f crew what they recommend and why.

Thanks a bunch. Max

ebrodeur's picture

Re: Recommendations for new bluetooth headset???

I have the Motorola HS850 which incorporates the on/off into a flip-open boom. Get a call? Simply flip open the boom. Hang up by folding the boom closed.

The H800 is the latest boom-style model. Instead of a "flip" boom it features a slide. Google "motorola h800" and you'll find the product page. I don't have the H800 but it's what I'd look at. It can be had inexpensively through on-line vendors.

I love the boom-style on/off switch but I would give it up if I can find a BT headset which has a volume control "that goes to 11."

Otherwise, I've heard good things about the BlueAnt headsets, the X3 specifically.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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