Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
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Procrastination, the "Unschedule," and re-learning how to walk
Merlin Mann | Oct 4 2007
How to Unschedule your work and enjoy guilt-free play Chanpory, over at LifeClever, has a useful piece on what Neil Fiore calls "The Unschedule:"
Like a couple of the exercises in Fiore's book (Oy, vey, who actually keeps a "procrastination diary?"), I think the Unschedule is best seen as a fascinating way to think about thinking. ![]()
The Now Habit
by Neil Fiore For me, though, stuff like a procrastination dash is where it's at for actually getting things accomplished. Although I'm the last person in the world to begrudge anyone a brain trick that works for them, I think I've become pickier about any kind of metawork where the ramp-up and prep time overshadows the time devoted to pure action. That said, I can't think of a better book to pick up whenever you feel like you just can't work -- that you're so mired in your own sick failure that it seems pointless to even try. If you've gotten to that point, you may find, as I often do, that reading a few pages of The Now Habit is just the tonic. And, if that's not enough? Heck. I guess I can see making an Unschedule. But, for one day, and just to get back on track. Crutches are awesome, but only as long as you use them to walk -- not just to afford the process of thinking about walking. 8 Comments
rehab mode?Submitted by drifting on October 4, 2007 - 12:44pm.
I'm still at the crawling stage of my GTD implementation, but I've used a few of the Now Habit tools (particularly the Unschedule) on and off for a number of years. I tend to view the Unschedule as a slightly more granular take on the hard landscape, so I don't think of it asmore scheduling or rehab mode. Granted, I tend not to schedule new 'play dates' with myself, but I do cement into the hard landscape the reality of the time I take for things other than work (i.e. I know I'm going to watch Heroes at such and such time, so have it down there on the calendar as time I won't be unconsciously and unsuccessfully trying to cram some work into). On that front it seems like more realistic scheduling to me. I've found it particularly useful in making sure I meet the commitments to myself that tend to get blown off first when two hours worth of work gets procrastinated into twelve. Need to lose that extra thirty pounds? I put the runs in the unschedule/hard landscape and don't figure that time into my procrastination 'I've got lots of time' fantasy. Also, as Fiore points out, the better I get at keeping those other commitments, the easier it seems to get down to work. As far as GTD goes, having the clearly delineated windows of cranking opportunity in a fairly bricked-up hard landscape helps me get to the widgets quicker and with more focus, and helps me better estimate how much cranking I can expect to get done. To my way of thinking, GTD and the Unschedule mesh quite nicely. » POSTED IN: