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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
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Treo 700p - kGTD, etc.?
Merlin Also | Jul 9 2006
I've been considering trying a Treo 700p, but the reviews from Mac users seem mixed at best. I get the niggling feeling that the Treo is regarded by many as the rack stereo of mobile phones -- crap phone, crap camera, and crap Mac integration all in one slightly pricey package. Still, I am curiously interested, if it's not actually as bad as people say. Any of you kids using a 650 or 700p (presumably with Missing Sync) to do kGTD? Any general yay or nay opinions on the do-ability/seamlessness/ease of sync of that undertaking? Any general thoughts on whether this is a purchase you'd make again? Got a Sprint phone besides the Treo for doing kGTD? [="1"](And, no, this doesn't mean I'm abandoning the hPDA, either in concept or usage :). Just curious to see if this unit [which has always attracted me] has evolved sufficiently to warrant the price and form-factor)[/] 9 Comments
Treo 650/kGTD/Missing SyncSubmitted by mpgomez on July 17, 2006 - 2:16am.
I'm using a Treo 650 with kGTD and Missing Sync, and every component of this system is new to me. I recently bought the 650. Previously I synced text files to a Treo 600 using MacNoteTaker, but since that conduit is incompatible with the 650, and I couldnt' find a workable .txt sync alternative for the 650, I decided to try kGTD and Missing Sync. This is a very recent change (ie, late June) so, jury is still out; in other words, my short answer, for what it's worth, is that I'm in the process of finding out. I will come back to this thread after a time. It usually seems to take a month or so *at least* for me to have confidence in a system, and that's if I actually stick with it (a personal defect unrelated to the system!). My intial impression, since using OmniOutliner, KGTD, Missing Sync, and the Treo are all new to me, is that if there is any weak link in the chain it is NOT the Treo. The Treo is a great phone. I used a 600 for more than a year before this, and all the great things about it are multiplied. While it may be a factor for others, I'm not syncing more than 15 contexts/categories to the Treo. In fact, unless you really need the broadband that the 700 offers, you might be perfectly happy with the 650, and save $300. (The caveat is that the Treo is the only cellphone I've really used for any extended period of time; essentially its the only phone gadget that feels right for me. ) The weak link in the chain in *my* system so far seem to be: 1 - the sync between kGTD and iCal, and my impression is that you already have that worked out. More specifically, my main issue seems to be that iCal will barf if I try to display the Todos/Actions from kGTD. When I uncheck those kGTD calendars and don't display Todos onscreen, iCal works fine as a "task conduit" to the Treo; Missing Snyc will add them as categories in the Tasks app on the Treo. Using iCal as the conduit for tasks seems to be working for the moment; Once I'd given up on viewing them there and began working directly from the kGTD document in OO, things became unstuck. 2 - the sync does not flow from the palm back to kgtd. so far, it appears that checking an item complete in the palm doesn't do it in kinkless, and this thread at kinkless seems to bear that out. but since I seem to be working in a way that doesn't depend on that, it's still workable for me. if you find you need to be able to process your tasks away from your mac, this might not be workable for you. it isn't the ideal, but then, in practice, i'm reviewing and processing in kgtd enough that i don't need to process them on my palm. i just need to be able to see what i have to DO. More as things progress. » POSTED IN: