43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Un-Kinked GTD Tiddly Wiki Plus

When I discovered GTD Tiddly Wiki Plus, I thought I could use some of the other great Tiddly Wiki plugins to help automate collection, processing, and general task organization. While kGTD was nice, I thought the "sync" requirement was a little lame and it was not portable going from MacOSX to HPDA to HPUX to RH to Windows and back. I wanted a kGTD that was printer friendly and portable. GTD Tiddly Wiki Plus had the potential to be that.

So I've put together this prototype:


I was going to wait to release anything, but lately I haven't had a chance to finish things up, so I figured now would be a good time to collect feedback.

[INDENT]Safari users: TiddlyWiki is Safari compatible as long as you install the Safari plugin at:


You can find simple instructions on installing the Safari plugin at:


It has gotten a good response on Google Groups forums. I would be interested in hearing comments from here too.

michaelramm's picture

How do I edit the...

How do I edit the @contexts? It looks like it grabs the contexts from somewhere and I cann find where? Mine is setup here.

I am also having a hard time saving the changes that I make. Is it because I am running it on the webserver and it it trying to save to the same directory on the webserver (with a different name)?

It looks really good, Ted!





An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Merlin used to crank. He’s not cranking any more.

This is an essay about family, priorities, and Shakey’s Pizza, and it’s probably the best thing he’s written. »

Scared Shitless

Merlin’s scared. You’re scared. Everybody is scared.

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