43 Folders

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gtd with vim like in emacs

ezichko's picture

I ended up doing this: i...

I ended up doing this:
i use a projects.otl file using vim outliner.

to add a new task i added this to .bash_profile
alias gg='cat >> projects.otl'

so i just type:
do something @work
and it is appended to projects.otl

then to see all my next actions by context i am using a perl script (the same one used in that org-mode page)

you just do like this:
perl gtp.pl projects.otl and you get a nice list of next actions grouped by context.

the code is here:

  1 use strict;
  2 use warnings;
  4 # Read an org file and create lists by context (tag)
  5 # Written by Charles Cave  charles.cave (at) gmail.com
  6 # 28th June 2006
  8 my $orgfile = shift;
  9 defined($orgfile) or die "syntax is orghip.pl orgfilename\n";
 11 open(my $org, "<", $orgfile) or die "Cannot open $orgfile\n";
 12 my %lists = ();
 13 my $now = localtime();
 15 while (<$org>) {
 16   my $line = $_;
 17   chomp($line);
 18   if ($line =~ /^\s*(.*?)@([A-Za-z]+)/) {
 19       my $hdng = "$1";
 20       my $tag  = $2;
 21       if ( defined($lists{$tag}) ) {
 22           $lists{$tag} = $lists{$tag}."\n".$hdng;
 23       } else {
 24           $lists{$tag} = $hdng;
 25       }
 26   }
 27 }
 29 print "Date Printed: $now\n";
 30    print "\n";
 31    print "NEXT ACTIONS";
 32 process_context("work");
 33 process_context("home");
 34 process_context("calls");
 35 process_context("city");
 36 # print any remaining contexts
 37 foreach my $key (sort keys %lists) {
 38     process_context($key);
 39 }
 41 sub process_context {
 42    my $context = shift;
 43    print "\n\n$context:\n";
 44    foreach my $item( split(/\n/, $lists{$context}) ) {
 45        print "[ ] $item\n";
 46    }
 47    delete $lists{$context};
 48 }

this is modified from the original to read all lines that have a @context and group them.
you can create an alias for that too.

to edit it
alias ge='vi projects.otl'

alias g='perl gtp.pl projects.otl'
to output it.

Another thing I have is a simple shell script called pda.sh
This will do:
perl gtp.pl projects.otl > /Volumes/pda/Storage Card/
cp /Volumes/pda/Storage Card/in ~

This sends my next actions to the pda and copies my recent notes on the pda to my home folder for processing.

Then all this is rsynced to my server 2 times a day.

Works quite nicely.

If anyone needs help i could create a more detailed post.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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