Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Linux GTD roll call
dro0g | Oct 26 2005
Hi everyone, Anyone else using Linux as their day-to-day OS? I switched my work laptop over completely a while ago, though I still run Windows under a VMWare VM for the sake of accessing Lotus Notes and a few other work requried Windows apps. What office pr0n tools have folks used under Linux? I've played around with VIMOutliner and GnomeTasks, along with several stand alone wikis. My team is using the NotesWiki template from OpenNTF for shared information and that's worked out fantastically. 38 Comments
I just implemented GTD this...Submitted by val on January 8, 2006 - 4:17pm.
I just implemented GTD this week. I'm using gentoo linux on my laptop and home desktop. I have a folder called GTD which has separate text files containing lists for projects, waiting_for, someday_maybe, a whole folder called next_actions which contains separate lists for each context, as well as a few other folders containing various lists. I like keeping them in separate files so that I can easily append items from within a terminal or the mini commander in my gnome panel. I hate to be a downer on Merlin's appending "trick", but it seems unneccesarily complicated and, well, trivial when it's faster, simpler, and fool proof to just do it with shell commands. I use unison to sync between my lappy and desktop. The desktop runs a webserver, and I could (though I haven't yet) easily put a symlink in public_html which would make my lists viewable from any web enabled device. Come to think of it, it would be pretty easy to write a php interface that would display and allow editing of the lists... but so far I'm happy with what I have. » POSTED IN: