Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Open Thread: Quicksilver podcast questions
Merlin Also | Jul 28 2006
Merlin on MacBreak: Intro to Quicksilver The response to the MacBreak on Quicksilver has been enthusiastic to say the least. Thanks to everyone who's sent emails saying they now "finally 'get' Quicksilver." That's really cool to hear. Based on lots of the messages, though, there's still lots of questions about setting up Quicksilver, loading plugins, and configuring things the way you like -- especially as seen in the video. As we've observed on the site many times, the ramp-up to full-on Quicksilver configuration can be a bitch. I want to try and route all the questions and answers into this one thread if I can. So, there's a few links below that I [="Red"]REALLY[/] encourage you to explore thoroughly before asking questions (I swear most all the answers are out there), but if you have a question not answered, the 43 Folders hive mind and I can try to help you out. Ask away (after you've really really looked for the answer on your own, okay?). My access over the next few days is limited, so any help from the Quicksilver studs out there is greatly appreciated! Good Quicksilver links:
Quicksilver power users: feel free to chime in as well with your favorite links, tutorials, and responses to questions from the new folks. Many thanks in advance. 51 Comments
I think the the thing...Submitted by solidsnot on July 30, 2006 - 12:04pm.
I think the the thing that mostly troubles people new to Quicksilver is the plug-in - actions stuff that you have to do to get it to do all the neat things Merlin (and others) do. So, as a quick down and dirty about it here we go: When you first download Quicksilver it comes with the very basic functionality enabled. There are additional plug-ins that must be installed in order to expand the level of usage beyond application launching. Once a plug-in is installed it opens up (usually) a new range of actions available to the user. Sometimes they are automatically enabled, sometimes you have to enable them through the Actions part of the preferences. Taking Merlin's infamous Text Manipulation plug-in (which isn't a plug-in that is enabled at the installation of Quicksilver) as an example if I wanted to do his append to text trick I would first have to enable (basically download) the Text Manipulation plug-in by checking it's checkbox in the Other (aka Uninstalled) plug-in pane of the Plug-Ins pref pane. You should see something like "Text Manipulation plug-in installed" pop up on your screen letting you know that it has installed the plug-in. The next thing you should do is go to the Preference Pane and click General-->Actions. A (if you have a lot of plug-ins installed) large list of "verbs" or actions comes up and you will have to navigate to the text actions and make sure the one's such as append and prepend are enabled by checking their checkboxes. This routine needs to happen every time you enable a new plug-in as I notice that some of the cool actions are left unchecked after install and you have to manually turn them on. Another thing that catches people is the Application Feature Level needs to be set to Beta (this is located in Pref-->Extras). Hope this helps. :) » POSTED IN: