43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

is there an app for monitoring folders that does the following...?

what i'd like is some software that would monitor the desktop and possibly other folders that I can specify and when it finds a new file (that i've just downloaded) asks me for a description of what that file is which it then adds to the files metadata.
and i'd also like it to start bothering me if the file remains there for longer that a specified period of time.

Does anything like this exist?


hivelan's picture

the problem with using spotlight comments for what i want

(this took me a long time to reply... :S) yeah, hazel looks a lot more powerful than all the reviews I had read make it out to be. They all seem to focus on automatically sorting files which is something I'm definitely not interested in.

I guess using hazel alone still misses an important aspect of what I would like, but I didn't explicitly mention it. That is getting the metadata back out of the files. Spotlight comments are all well and good, especially if you want them for searching but they're kind of one-way.

In that I mean there's no real way to browse files along with the spotlight comments. And the usual one-line table views aren't very usable if they do allow you to add a comments column like Finder does (and unfortunately pathfinder doesn't)

If I'm putting descriptive data into the metadata i'd like to be able to browse the files with the comments viewable alongside the files.

It was the recent lifehacker post about hazel that reminded me of this conversation, i'll definately go check out hazel again regardless




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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