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OmniOutliner (non-pro)/Quicksilver integration? AppleScript? Help!

I've been using OmniOutliner 3 (non-pro) for my to-do list for quite a while, using an outline that I've put together and slowly tweaked to the point that it works well for how I operate. I like OmniOutliner because it provides enough flexibility for me (to easily move things around by drag and drop), ability to easily attach other data types to my items, and a nice, clean interface that doesn't have the clumsy look of a lot of other to-do list/task managers.

Although I've been using Quiksilver at a basic level for quite a while, I've recently jumped into learning how to use it for more advanced tasks (append, proxy objects, triggers, etc.) and now it seems I can't get enough of it! I love the ability to add text to my todo.txt file without interrrupting what I'm doing.

However, what I'd really like to be able to do is add to my OmniOutliner to-do list in the same fashion (ideally the appended text would become a child of my 'Inbox' item, ready for review and movement elsewhere in my list via drag and drop when I review it). Before I get jumped on (after all, this is my first post), I spent a good 8+ hours over the past weekend searching all over the place to figure out how do this...

Yes, I already know that if I were to upgrade to OO Pro and use Kinkless GTD I could take advantage of that plug-in. Unfortunately, I really can't justify the expense of Pro and I have tried using Kinkless (utilizing the 30day trial of Pro) but it just doesn't work as well for me.

Yes, I have come across a few examples of AppleScripts to move from QS to OO, but they don't seem to be complete in their explanation/implementation and didn't work when I attempted to use them. I admittedly am not very familiar with scripting in AppleScript (but figured I would be able to adapt the examples to what I wanted to do) so this may be my fault.

I can't help but think that there must be other folks out there who use OO and would like to do this sort of thing (or maybe even have it already worked out), and it doesn't seem like it should be a difficult or impossible request. I'd even consider other ways of making this work if doing some sort of direct 'append to DustinToDo.oo3' isn't feasible - perhaps some sort of script that could run automatically every 30-60 min and add the contents of 'todo.txt' to 'DustinTodo.oo3' (ideally with each text line becoming it's own line in OO...).

Anyone have any ideas/suggestions/examples? This kinda falls into the murky waters of intermediate/advanced usage of Quicksilver that is rather undocumented and honestly pretty confusing, even for someone who's been using Macs for 16 years and considers himself a pretty advanced user.

Thanks in advance for insight!


solidsnot's picture

I have nearly 80 GB...

SansPoint wrote:
I have nearly 80 GB of MP3s in my iTunes library. No QuickSilver slowdown. It was a little pokey coming up before I doubled my RAM to 1GB, but it was never slow.

I'm not sure of the guy's system but he may have had an older Mac with considerably less RAM than 1GB. I wouldn't imagine QS having a problem with that size of library but evidently some people do. I personally have never had a problem with QS not working. Sometimes I ask it to do things it doesn't want to but it usually always works. ;)




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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