Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Kinkless/OOP Newbie
Brad Blackman | Jul 3 2006
I jumped at the opportunity last week with the 43F discount and bought OmniOutliner Pro and downloaded Kinkless GTD. Last night I finally figured out how to get it to work after watching the little video. I haven't created anything new in it yet, as that's a project in itself that I don't really have the time for right now, but we'll see about it in the next few weeks. So is there any real good intro to how to get started with KGTD? Any tips out there? 3 Comments
kGTD may not be for you...Submitted by ozhuner on July 3, 2006 - 7:52pm.
Well, Chrome47... it may be that kGTD is not for you, or then again it may sooo rock your world that you change everything around it. While I have not tried, it seems that others have been frustrated by using kGTD on more than one machine. I would think that this has to with sync'ng your kGTD/OOP file with iCal. If you're not going to sync with iCal, then it may not be a big deal to copy it via .mac ot something like that. I use kGTD only on one machine as a rule, and sync to iCal. I use .Mac to keep my other macs in sync. If you're tied to Entourage, then your tasks in Entourage and kGTD will never be sync'd... which would be sucky. Having said that, it could be possible to sync kGTD<-->iCal<-->.mac<-->Entourage but I wouldn't want to try it. iCal is pretty useful but you may find it lacking compared to Entourage. It's pretty simple but works well with kGTD. I think you will have to decide whether to keep Entourage or switch to iCal. Also, with Apple Mail, if you do switch then you'll find that it integrates well with kGTD (and iCal) using third-party applescripts. Finally, printing out kGTD to include in your hPDA may work well for you. This is possible with OOP pretty mch out of the box, though you may have to futz (sp?) with the settings to get it just right. Good luck and let us know how you do with kGTD. P.S. have you looked at the white-paper on GTD and Entourage by DavidCo? » POSTED IN: