43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Pens for the left handed?

I'm wondering if anyone who already 'gets things done' is lefthanded.
You're supposed to get a pen you really like to take notes everywhere.

But as I'm left handed, I brush over the freshly written ink = I get a coloured hand.:(

So fountain pens seem to be no option.

I'm impressed with the Fisher Space Pen.
But I've read when you start writing with it, it squirts out a bit of extra ink.
(Coloured hand again?)

The aim is: Compact and quick drying.
What do you use / suggest?


P.S.: I have a mechanical pencil at the moment.

Stew's picture

Hi. Thanks for the answers. Keep...

gtz;9769 wrote:
Thanks for the answers. Keep them rolling in.

I tested the Pilot G2 (ink roller pen) today.
1.) You can make annoying noises with the plastic clip :)
2.) It's cheap enough: I wouldn't like to put an expensive fountain pen in my trouser pocket together with a set of keys. I'm not worried if a G2 gets a scratch.
3.) Nice to handle. Good grip. Easy to use with one hand. Fast action. No taking the top off before writing.
4.) Smearing. I got quite some ink on the outside of the tip after having made some hasty notes. I noticed a few spots on my hand. Would annoy me in the long run.
5.) Good to read: Contrast is much better then with ordinary ball point or pencil.
6.) Possibility of disaster: Anyone ever realized that their Pilot G2 had accidently been pressed in their trouser pocket? Is it easy to clean?

Nice writing but leaves my hand stained.

Any suggestions are welcome.

I also like writing with Stabilo Point 88 (fine 0,4) felt tip pens.
(Don't know if they're available outside of Germany. If not: google)
I tend to mess those up rather fast.

I used a Pilot G2 for years before finding fountain pens and never had a single problem. I still keep several in my bag. I've never had problems with carrying one around in my pocket. If you're using the 07 tip, you might want to try the finer 05 tip to cut down on the smearing and leaking. This might be a defect with the pen itself; I've never had a smear issue except when writing in a Moleskine.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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