Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Generic Moleskine?
DreadPirateRoberts | Jan 14 2007
I happened to be at Staples this past week, and noticed a display of multicolored notebooks. One particular size caught my eye, because it looked very similar to the Moleskine pocket notebook, even sporting an elastic strap. I picked it up condescendingly, expecting to scoff at its inferior construction and features. However, much to my surprise, the notebook looks and feels almost identical to a Moleskine. Even the back pocket looks the same. Click the image for several comparison photos. The UPC label says "Markings by C. R. Gibson" but on the C. R. Gibson website, I can find no information on these notebooks. The notebook was $5.99 at Staples, cheaper than the $10.00 Moleskine. Has anyone else seen these? My biggest concern is whether or not the paper is acid-free. Does anyone know how I could find that out? If it turns out to be, and you want to save a little cash, you might want to try hitting up your local Staples for this little notebook. 7 Comments
Leather Markings NotebooksSubmitted by Vramin on March 12, 2007 - 8:26am.
I popped into Staples again this morning, on another errand. I guess at this point I have become purely a collector, since I had already gathered several of the different colors of the Markings notebooks. They told me it was a "promotion," so I figured that meant the endcap was going to disappear, so I thought if I wanted to have the lime green one, the turquoise one, and the orange one I had better nab them before the display went back to the manufacturer. Sure enough, the display was gone - but there was a new one with more Markings notebooks... these have these same basic characteristics except for:
Anyway, something else to distract us notebook mavens from doing any real work. I'm sure the siren's call will cause me to buy at least a few more before that endcap disappears as well. I'm guessing that these "promotions" help them determine if they are going to add a product to regular stock, so if you like these be sure to buy them while you can to encourage them. » POSTED IN: