43 Folders

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Cheap Rotring Fountain Pen


1/2 price -- 12.49.

Anybody know anything about these, reputation or otherwise? I'm thinking about ordering along with a converter.

emory's picture

okay about rotring. they were once...

okay about rotring.

they were once a german pen giant. they made exquisite writing utensils and i'd have recommended them to anyone. i still have a rotring mechanical pencil that i love.

but then they were bought by rubbermaid.

the quality of the product dropped dramatically. they stopped shipping to the US so that we'd buy other rubbermaid writing utensils (yeah, right?!) and really all they wanted was the name.

they suck. they suck they suck they suck.

i've been told they are very hit or miss, but i purchased a multi-fuction pen/pencil/stylus/highlighter and it broke. actually, to say it broke would be putting it mildly -- the entire assembly at the top broke, spraying a couple of springs, a button, and the top came off.

i was not amused.

i threw it all away. it is really unfortunate that a legend such as rotring (they made the first/only? nib-less fountain pen) is reduced to their current state.

if you can find an old one, used, go for it. but i've been completely uninspired by their newest lines.

if someone has better luck with them please do chime in -- don't be afraid. i can accept that they may have some lines better than others, or some things still being made inside of Germany.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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