Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Help me design a storyboard template!
pooks | Apr 14 2006
Since I'm using SAVE THE CAT by Blake Snyder to help write my current script, I'm following his format for scene cards. I've been scribbling them out by hand but now that I've figured out how to print index cards, I'd really love to have a template for doing that. What I'm looking for is a Word Doc set up with 'marker felt' font (obviously I can do that much) that is set for a 3X5 index card format -- so that it won't let me type more than an index card will hold, and will automatically print at the right size. I'll be using it on portrait setting, though most people would use landscape and I might switch back to landscape on later projects. (SO FAR I COULD PROBABLY DO THIS MUCH, BUT THERE'S MORE. NOT THAT IT'S DIFFICULT, BUT I'M A TECHNODITZ, SO I SHALL CONTINUE....) It's really pretty simple. What I would want on the template to pop up every time I opened a new file is on the top line: INT/EXT And then I could finish the rest of the line as needed, for example: EXT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY Then I could type the next line/lines as needed. On the very bottom two lines, flush left, would be: +/- And again, I would type in the pertinent info. (Or impertinent, as the case may be.) I know this should be very simple for me to do, but this is exactly the kind of thing I don't do often enough to remember from one time to the next, and when I try to look it up, I just get more confused! The card would eventually look sorta like like this: Bob confronts Helen about +/- Bob starts hopeful, ends Obviously if this were landscape the text would probably fit all the way across, so I guess I'd like to have it saved both ways. (In case anybody is wondering, the +/- symbol represents the emotional arc of the main character in the scene, and the >< is the conflict in the scene.) Anybody willing to help me out? Thanks. 6 Comments
I need your email address....Submitted by solidsnot on April 14, 2006 - 12:51pm.
I need your email address. I have a template for you. Email me . I can't upload .dot files so I'll have to email it to you. Daniel » POSTED IN: