Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Dealing w/ Burnout
KSuberalles | Mar 7 2006
I work in the non-profit world, doing a job that used to be exciting, rewarding, and infinitely more satisfying then being a slave to the corporate world. But it seems that over the last year I have been fighting some feelings that I think are burnout. I use GTD, I have my lists, I am organized. I know exactly what needs to be done, Its just getting harder and harder to execute. I have a major promotion to Executive Director level coming in a few months and I want to use my time before it happens to get it all together and find that spark again that I had a couple years ago. Does anyone have any resources/advice? Books ideas? Life hacks? etc? Thanks! 3 Comments
The others may be right...Submitted by experimental on March 9, 2006 - 4:55pm.
The others may be right and you just need a break. Maybe even a three day weekend of absolutely nothing work-related could help you get your mojo back. In any case, if your body and brain are calling time out, it's a mistake not to listen to them. If you're disillusioned with the work you do, or have lost faith in it in some way, that's another issue entirely. Covey's First Things First is not a bad read in this regard. I only use little bits of it, but those little bits are very useful in keeping alive the meaning and the purpose in what I do. I also have a little hack that I inflict on myself when I get too bored, annoyed, unmotivated, etc. I change my approach to, e.g.: I'm bored. If I'm bored, there's a problem. Solve the problem. Problem solving is something I enjoy, so turning it into something I'm going to enjoy dealing with makes a huge difference. There's probably a way to address your lack of motivation that makes it fun or interesting for you too. :) » POSTED IN: