Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Tracking things got done
planetthoughtful | Feb 11 2006
Hi All, I'm curious to know how much effort others put in to not only tracking things that need to be done, but also things that have been completed. I ask because I've been experimenting with a couple of different tools for implementing GTD, most particularly GTD_TiddlyWiki, and I've found that while tracking things that need to be done is reasonably straight forward, keeping a record of things that I have done is a little more involved. Because of this, I've started work on building a GTD application in Microsoft Access, which should make that side of the process easier, among other things (it's nowhere near finished, but if anyone happens to be interested in seeing it when it's at a stage to be distributed, please let me know via feedback through the link below - I'll keep a list of emails from anyone who expresses an interest). So, I'm curious to know if others go to any effort to keep a track of completed "things". Personally, I do this as a matter of course, as I have a terrible memory, which is what drives me to look for better ways to be organized (and what prompted me to find out more about GTD). But what do others do? Discard information relating to done things? Keep a note of them somewhere? Something else? Much warmth, planetthoughtful 6 Comments
Paper project listsSubmitted by Flexiblefine on February 13, 2006 - 12:32pm.
I use paper for most of my GTD stuff. While I print updated next-action lists almost every day, I keep my project list in my planner. The next-action lists are all things not yet done (by definition), but completed projects do eventually make their way into the "archive" binder I keep old notes pages and stuff in. Keeping a sort of log of each day in my planner helps give me a feeling of progress, which I find useful to keep me motivated. » POSTED IN: