43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Those darn Moleskines...

I'm not even sure this is the right forum for this, but it was the only place that seemed to fit:

I'd like to curse Mr. Mann and the 43 Folders crew for introducing me to Moleskine. I say curse cuz as of now I have three with another on the way: 18 month calender, address book, accordian file (on the way) and a stetchbook (I don't even know why I bought the stetch book...I don't draw, don't sketch...).



I'm sure there's another Moleskine I need somewhere...

TOPICS: Life Hacks
a11en's picture

Hey Jason! I have two. ...

Hey Jason!

I have two. [These are getting to be like my moleskine in terms of addictive purchase habits...] I purchased mine from "Pendemonium" online. If you surf over to their store and hit "stationary" then "Miquelrius" you'll see the one I have. But the second one I bought at B&N in town. Oh wait... I remember finding a picture of them on flickr... let me pull one up for you: intriguing way to use a notebook as a planner.

I think that the smaller miquelrius flexible (very much like the larger ones in these pictures) would fit in the back-pocket, but it might be too thick to be comfortable. The loss of the rubber-band closure and the (in)famous back pocket of the Moleskines is a bit of a sad loss, but to be honest with you and me, I didn't use my beloved Moleskines as much as I would have liked to. In a queer twist of fate, I've now started using them as my laboratory notebooks for my work in the lab. :) I seem to like them for that purpose... the larger of course.

Hope this helps!

ps- for a very smooth experience with an FP, I highly recommend the correspondence sized Triomphe pads from Clairfontaine (also avail. at Pendemonium- I like 'em 'cause they treat me well- customer only)- they're really really smooth... don't forget to pick up a super-cheap pack of blotter paper ($1 for 4 sheets) they're excellent, and can be used until they're all your ink's color. ;) Mine hasn't survived that long yet. I find they're great to use as bookmarks for books you jot things down in with an FP, but might need to close really quickly... a quick blot, and close, and no ink transfer.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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