43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

quitting smoking: replacement stimulant

Hello. Any GTD smoking quitters out there? I'm quitting, and, well, I'm used to the constant stimulant. Of course, I'm still drinking coffee (and the constant imbibing of stimulants is bad for you and I exercise and that helps your energy more in the long run etc etc). Is coffee the only replacement stimulant for the cigarettes? It's really cutting into my productivity, and it will be very hard to maintain quitting if I'm at a permanently lower tier of work effort & focus.


TOPICS: Life Hacks
solidsnot's picture

I used to smoke several...

I used to smoke several years ago: Marlboro Reds (aka Cowboy Killers) a pack a day. One day I was tired of smoking and wasting money on crap so as I stepped out of a restaurant for my post-meal cig I took two puffs threw it down and flushed the rest of the full pack. Haven't touched them since.

This doesn't mention the aborted attempt two months earlier and the pretty rough two weeks after I quit. My advice is that if you want to quit, just make your mind up and do it. Suffer through the two weeks of hell and then it will be fine. Every time I thought about smoking I'd find something for myself to do so I would keep myself occupied. After a while I just didn't think about it any more and now I can't stand the smell of smoke.

I still drink coffee though and that's because I like the flavor of it and not necessarily the stimulant side effects. I just try to keep myself at one cup a day.

As to your body feeling "not up to speed" because you took your stimulants away, that will take time as well and after a while your body is pretty good at adjusting energy levels unless you have a thyroid problem or something. ;)




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Merlin used to crank. He’s not cranking any more.

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Scared Shitless

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