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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

quitting smoking: replacement stimulant

Hello. Any GTD smoking quitters out there? I'm quitting, and, well, I'm used to the constant stimulant. Of course, I'm still drinking coffee (and the constant imbibing of stimulants is bad for you and I exercise and that helps your energy more in the long run etc etc). Is coffee the only replacement stimulant for the cigarettes? It's really cutting into my productivity, and it will be very hard to maintain quitting if I'm at a permanently lower tier of work effort & focus.


TOPICS: Life Hacks
FloatingProcess's picture

Hello. Any GTD smoking...

duus wrote:
Hello. Any GTD smoking quitters out there? I'm quitting, and, well, I'm used to the constant stimulant. Of course, I'm still drinking coffee (and the constant imbibing of stimulants is bad for you and I exercise and that helps your energy more in the long run etc etc). Is coffee the only replacement stimulant for the cigarettes? It's really cutting into my productivity, and it will be very hard to maintain quitting if I'm at a permanently lower tier of work effort & focus.


The bottom line is that nothing will help you quit smoking unless you really want to quit smoking. I order to not need the stimulants you will need to get your energy levels up. Ways to do this include: getting enough sleep, eating correctly, breathing correctly, drinking enough water, and on and on.

Coffee is ok in moderation. Assuming you have gone cold turkey then a lack of energy can be one of the withdrawal symptoms and this will lessen with time.

I am a big fan of acupuncture as a support for smoking cessation.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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