43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Moving important papers(etc) halfway across the country

Hi all,
I'll be moving from L.A. to Illinois (2 hours south of Chicago) for grad school in about 2 months. I'm trying to digitize and/or jettison stuff as much as I can before then, but I will almost certainly still have a good amount of very important papers, photos, etc. that I'll have to bring with me in their original physical format.

I'll be driving a U-Haul the whole 2,000 miles, maybe making it like a 3-day trip. My concern is that I may be driving through some rain on the way, or at least a bunch of moisture overnight, and the U-Haul will be far from airtight, I'm sure.

So what are some good ways to try and protect my most important paper artifacts from the moisture (and temp cahnges? will be driving thru desert after all)?

I've got two big plastic rubbermaid storage bins, but they're not airtight. I have too many papers to, say, put them all in big ziploc bags. Maybe airtight's not the answer anyway? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

TOPICS: Life Hacks
UniAce's picture

Ah, thanks for the info....

Ah, thanks for the info. Nothing's about to disintegrate, so it should be okay. And Mark, believe me, there's nothing I'd like better than to scan everything (and great idea on the gmail), but I've got a full two month's worth of work to do even without any scanning. Plus my scanner is not the most convenient thing to use anyway.

Theft... hmm, I've thought a little about it, but not much. I guess one solution is stay at a few expensive hotels that have locked garages I can park in?
One thing I'm for sure going to do is to move my computer and my backup hard drive separately, so if there's a catastrophe (flood, fire, theft, etc.), they aren't both lost. Maybe I'll Fedex the backup HD and take the computer phsyically with me in the U-Haul.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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