43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Two more hours in the day?

I have a problem: six months ago, I gave up caffeine. Since then, my body has insisted on having eight hours sleep a night instead of five or six. The change in my health is enough that I'm not going back, but I really miss those hours. Specifically, between ten and midnight I used to get a lot of reading and writing done, but nowadays by ten I can barely keep my eyes open.

I've tried quite a few ways of cutting back my time expenditures, and I do seem to have gained some time back, but it's fifteen minutes here and ten minutes there. I can't seem to get back the time I really want-- a couple of hours when the house is quiet and still, and I'm feeling peaceful, reflective and productive.

Has anybody been there and hacked that?

TOPICS: Life Hacks
experimental's picture

does this extra health include...

stevecooper wrote:
does this extra health include extra energy? If you had more energy, could you get more done in the hours that you had and make up in efficiency what you lose in time?

I don't have extra energy, I only have steadier energy, which often feels like less overall. Part of the problem is that no caffeine means no manic bursts of productivity on good things and doing less important things in the inevitable sleep-deprived stupor. The other part of the problem is that, in search of those extra hours, I got into productivity pr0n (I mix up GTD, Covey & Flylady) and now I'm clean, tidy, organised, eat better, exercise more, stress less, have better relationships, and am making steady progress towards a number of important personal and professional goals... but I still don't have those @#$%ing hours back. It gets to ten o'clock and I'm wiped out, can't do any more.

I know to a lot of people here, two hours of uninterrupted reading time every night is a distant fantasy, but in becoming fitter, happier and more productive I seem to have lost the best two hours of my day. Those hours were probably pure indulgence, wasted time by most measures, so maybe I have to let them go. I do spend the bulk of my time on the things that are most important to me, so there are no other commitments I could or would cut. Still, I'd love any suggestions for how to need less sleep or ... I don't know! What have other people done in this situation?




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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