43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

ADHD Home Office Problems

Okay, I as much as any of you, want to get things done. I realize that my struggle with ADHD (even if medicated) will exist anywhere I "work". I am self-employed, and I know I could get about 1000 things more done per day, if I could just focus.

For almost the last year, I have worked at home, and been doing okay with it, but for the past few months, I have been getting stir crazy, wanting to go drive and do things, almost as if I wasn't on any meds at all. I can't up my dose of meds, due to blood pressure concerns.

Sometimes I think of getting an office somewhere, but wonder if that would be helpful or not, as I'd still be working by myself. I also know that working with other people can be distracting as well.

The weather isn't nice enough around here to go outside and work or vary my working location. I have thought about going to a local library with WIFI access and work there when I was having focus issues, but quite honestly, that is not very comforting to me, I hate libraries.

I did have an office once that was a shared/open office environment. Other people worked in the area, but all had their own business doing whatever they did. I didn't get to try this out much, as I was working full-time somewhere else. But that place is full, no spaces available.

I don't know...

THOUGHTS, suggestions, ideas?

Scottw's picture

You KNOW.... now that I...

You KNOW.... now that I think about it... maybe I should trade in the truck for a van (with windows), basically a utility van that is open in backup... put my office in there... get a A/C unit for the top of the van... and I'd be set. ;) I could work anywhere I felt.

Blah! Whatever, that wouldn't help me.

Maybe I just need to do more interesting work perhaps. But, everything gets old after 6 months for me. Maybe I could just get 6 month rotation on office spaces, and keep moving around to keep things new and exciting.

When I was a kid, I used to re-arrange my room every 1-3 months (never knew I had ADHD) just to keep it from getting old, When things where re-arranged, it was like something new, it was fun again. My current home office, however, doesn't have the ability to be re-arranged, due to window locations, and a wall of doors, etc.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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