43 Folders

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43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

read the book etc, not sure how to start... help!


I've been thinking about GTD for about a year now (off and on) and im switching jobs again and I think it might be a good time to try GTD. I've read the GTD book, read a bunch of posts on line about people using it, studied the GTD flow chard etc... im just not sure what my first real step(s) should be.

I am having stuff start to pile up at my new job already (im not 100% sure of the scope of my responsibilites is yet either) and i want to keep track of things. My boss is very driven and I want to keep up.

I've been just using a notebook so far, taking lots of notes with action items on a per day basis. They use Lotus Notes (v5.0!) which im not great with yet.

I think i like the idea of Gtiddlywiki (sp?) on a USB stick to be my 'system'. I can get the 43 folders setup once i actually get my desk. I have a treo 650 but am considering getting rid of it and going back to a plain ol cell phone.

How do i take my first couple of steps? Do I really need to do this for work and home life at the same time? I feel like i need to determine my "@" lists to start dumping stuff in, but im not sure I know what they should be.

I know the process says to collect and process.

Can someone coach me a bit here and help me get my baby steps going?

Thanks much in advance. Im really looking forward to some GTD nirvana.

jabba's picture

Still a white belt myself...

But until the old hands around here get a chance to answer, I'll try to point the right direction.

What your trusted system is doesn't matter, as long as you can work it. Unfortunately, Notes R5 is really behind - I've seen 2 GTD templates for Notes, and I think both require R6. Hold on, let me check...

Yeah, they both require R6. http://tinyurl.com/gejrr">http://ca.groups.yahoo.com/group/gtdfornotesgroup/[/url] is a standalone database that is reaonably functional if you don't have access to your mail template, while [url]http://tinyurl.com/gejrr (At Openntf.org) ismore functional but changes you mail template.

Regardless, they're out until your company upgrades. I get the feeling it's somteimes easier to start with a lo-tech system just so you focus on the process, rather than playing with shiny new tools :-). Collect all your notes, calendars, project files, post-it notes, etc and process, using file folders if need be. Make sure you have a nice thick sheaf of papers for brain dumping and writing lists. ALso, set up folders in Notes - use the '-' (dash) to anme them (-Action -WaitingFor -Reference) and process you mail inbox to empty.

For me, the email inbox to empty is the only part I've been really successful at - and even just having that done has been a big help. I'm still struggling with the other parts.

After you get a handle on your stuff, and get a process going, you can start to introduce some productivity pr0n into you life. I'm tryin MLO and a hipster PDA, along with custom scripts I wrote to bring together IMAP, Remind and a personal web portal.

Good luck!




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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