Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
GTD system: help?
supermph | Mar 2 2007
hello. I am an 18 year old who is new to GTD. I have been reading up a storm, and the 43 folders site is a daily stop. I have created a sort-of lofi-hifi system, and was looking to hear what everyone thought. All input or suggestions are greatly appreciated. My system is a joint effort between my laptop, treo, and planner. I will do my best to describe all their uses: Laptop: Treo: Planner: So thats the system. Anyone have any ideas on how i can improve it? also, any ideas as to a replacement for the planner, as it is a cheap one and would need to be upgraded soon. GTD tips for a newbie also help. Thanks!! 6 Comments
SimplifySubmitted by zenhabits on March 4, 2007 - 9:58pm.
Hi there ... it sounds like you're off to a great start. Don't get discouraged and stick with it! I agree with Webb ... it's best if you simplify. The easier it is to maintain the system, and the fewer tools you have to use, the more likely you'll be to stick with it. I use a simple notebook, a simple calendar (GCal), and a simple GTD program (Tracks). See my GTD implementation: I also think you should keep your weekly review as simple as possible (see How to keep your weekly review to under an hour: Hope this helps. Main thing: do what works for you. If your system is working, don't worry about what anyone else says. If you feel like it's too much work, simplify. Go analog. Streamline. Get rid of some tools. The easier it is to enter stuff into your system, and review the system, the better. Good luck! Leo » POSTED IN: