43 Folders

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Dealing with Personal vs Business Actions

For nearly 3 years, I worked second shift, 3-midnight. I was used to taking care of personal "next actions" (while I didn't use GTD then) during my off-time. Now that I am working 8-5 from home, I am having issues juggling "next actions" for things that need to typically be done during regular business hours (like calls, etc) with my work related projects. Even computer issues that might be "business" related, but not really client focused (ie, paying tasks) seem to cause much grief.

Does anyone else have/had this issue and how do you deal with it to get success in your days, and keeping focus.

I have ADHD, so I'm limping along in focus most of the time. I do take meds, but not 100% effective.

Scottw's picture

Yes, we seem to be...

Yes, we seem to be in almost the same situation.

My second-shift job was auto-pilot the entire way and being it was second shift, it was not as busy and I had plenty of side project to fill the void. Then when I started my new gig, I had a full plate (and then some), not counting all those side projects and not to mention, home, house and family.

That transition, while exciting, was hard. I realize, that 3-4 months into it, that I had to learn to set priorities and to really focus. And, as you said, what I thought would take 5 hours, took 15. I got the point that I would bid on projects to take 3 times longer than I thought they would, and on occasion, I was wrong, so I came out ahead, but typically I was on target or still short. Although, I still find myself, blurting out my "gut response" to how long things will take, and then stress over the fact its taking longer, not getting done... and that is enough to immobilize me. In a effort to keep moving, I tackle other projects and next actions, that have no real priority, and while I am indeed productive, just not productive in my priorities.

The "timer" thing is interesting, and actually something I have been thinking about doing, although I had not clue where to begin with it. I downloaded an "egg timer" widget for dashboard and you can set the time for as long as you want, and then when it gets done, it jingles just like an egg timer. It is very simple and kinda cool at the same time. The 2-minute rule, I understand in concept, but I can't see myself setting at timer every 2 minutes, cause that would stress me out. I have taken the 2 minute rule concept and applied it to incoming email and that has been very productive.

I like the 48/12 rule. I could probably go as far as hammering out some of those 12 minute periods before hand. I wish tomorrow wasn't a weekend, cause I'd like to give it a try.





An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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