Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
My Desk IS my In-box!
pooks | Oct 28 2006
I think I always knew this, but it has become more and more an issue since I started GTDing. Example. This morning I'm about to go through the house and try and straighten up. I will come across a lot of "stuff" that needs to be processed. Physical stuff I'm not sure what to do with at that moment, just need to move it to in-box and sit down with it all "later." It ends up on my desk. Then my desk is all piled up (and then starts collecting more "stuff" as I don't have time to "process" the stuff on it). Anybody else with this prob, or with suggestions? Thanks! 9 Comments
You're correct -- I'm not...Submitted by pooks on October 29, 2006 - 7:41am.
You're correct -- I'm not processing often enough. But the prob with my desk is that it isn't just catching "desk stuff." Right now it has several books, two or three items I bought online that need to be returned in addition to the "desk stuff." Often it's worse than that. I go through the living room and end up with a pile of stuff that has nothing to do with my office at all, but end up putting it on my desk to sort through later. Once the desk is piled up and the living room isn't, I find myself sitting down in the living room with my laptop to work, and the desk doesn't get processed. I realize it's bad habits and not processing that causes the prob. My question is, does anybody have a better "in-box" idea for stuff that needs to be handled (ex: returned to online shopping place)? , books, other things that may not actually have anything to do with my office, but I do end up processing them here because here is where all the stuff is that I use. (Printer, tape, packing tape, etc.) Desk seems obvious at the moment, but then I'm still in the same place I was when the return-items (for example) were on the floor in the living room. I'm not ready to take care it right now, and so now instead of on the floor, they're on my desk! » POSTED IN: