43 Folders

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Waiting For's & Agenda's

I have a question that has bugged me for quite some time. As background, please know that I use Omni/Kinkless/ICal the way Merlin hooked it up. I have about 12 contexts & agenda-calendar's in ICal that contain my GTD lists. What I don't know is how to keep my Waiting 4's associated with their original agenda.

For example, if I have a meeting with John and he is supposed to get back to me re: such & who, my current methodology is to re-direct that todo from John's agenda to Waiting For. Obviously, the problem here is that, that-which-I'm-waiting for is no longer associated with John, but is now in a list of other waiting fo's.

How do you, fellow posters, handle this conundrum?



Cpu_Modern's picture

i am not familiar with...

i am not familiar with komnigt43sofwarethang, but why not just doublig the entry? one datapoint for the agenda, one in waiting for? what's the issue? look at it this way: you want to be reminded. that's the purpose of every n/a in gtd. not project organization. so, you look at your agenda and see the entry, you look at your waiting for and see the (other) entry. wheer is your prob?




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Scared Shitless

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