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TiddlyWiki, Backpack and assistance in the GTD jungle for a noob

Ok, so here's the deal:

I'm new to GTD, fascinated by it, and am now looking for a computer-based system to organize my life. In that I'm not unique, I know, and I have read a couple of threads about free web-based GTD systems. I have tried Backpack and looked a bit at TiddlyWiki.

But I'm left with a few questions:
1) We use Backpack at work (can't force ten people to learn GTD to use kGTD or MonkeyGTD, can I? :) ). Can/should I combine using Backpack for work stuff with using TiddlyWiki for other stuff?

I'm thinking of using Backpack for the broader work stuff, but TiddlyWiki for more detailed things for myself, where I put things into contexts and more concrete actions. That way others at work can still see my Backpack lists, but for myself I use TiddlyWiki when determining next actions.

2) I'd like to be able to access my GTD through the cell phone, either by synching or browsing. This works very good with Backpack, as their mobile version is very light-weight. But can I do the same with TiddlyWiki?

3) Do I understand it correctly if I install TiddlyWiki on a server and then can access it from anywhere? Can I password-protect it? Using a USB stick is too much hassle, but sharing all actions with anyone ain't really an option either.... :)

4) I have never used TiddlyWiki. Is it easy to move actions between projects and contexts? Can I use somewhere for my inbox before actions are moved to projects and contexts? Is it quick, that is are there keyboard shortcuts for adding actions and tags etc.?

5) I use and love Google Calendar. It won't be too split-up to continue using that (we use it at work) and TiddlyWiki too? I know there is a Calendar plugin for GTD TiddlyWiki, but I'd prefer being able to continue using Google Calendar, with its multi-calendar features and ease-of-use.

6) As I have never used TiddlyWiki and am very new to GTD, what are the differences between the different GTD TiddlyWiki systems? Like GTDTiddlyWiki, GTDTiddlyWiki Plus, un-kinked TiddlyWiki, Monkey GTD, kGTD, d3 etc.

7) Conclusion: should I use TiddlyWiki instead of Backpack?

Thanks a lot for a great forum!


patrickrhone's picture

Those who know me on...

Those who know me on this fourm know that I am a huge Backpack GTD guy (See how I use it here) so it gets my vote.

But at the end of the day the most important thing is to come up with a system that works for you. That being said, it is always easiest to implement a system with tools you are familiar with, are easy to access and quick to use. Since you are already using Backpack it may fit the bill.

You very well may be able to get your co-workers to "drink the kool-aid" but when they do they will have to come up with systems that work for them.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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