43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Help me stick to it

I flout my GTD, all the time.

I'm currently having real difficulties following my GTD routine and because of this i'm letting things slip. I've recently been getting home from work and not doing anything at all, flouting my next actions and deciding what to do there and then (which usually involves playing games or watching TV).

Today i'm sat in work and i don't even have a copy of my NA's or my moleskine to hand, i've left them abandoned at home in my bag.

I love GTD but i'm having great difficulty applying myself to it. Has anyone got any suggestions which may help me stick to my routine?

Flexiblefine's picture

TimeTracker and time chunks

sonia_simone wrote:
Oy, if I used TimeTracker I would surely puke.

I'll fess up -- I've had days where TimeTracker reports me over six hours, and I do have a real list of work-related sites it doesn't count. Six hours of web-wasted time in a day is bad bad bad.

For those who want TimeTracker: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1887/

One thing that's been working really well for me is to (try to) hack out a 90-minute block of uninterrupted time every day. Do I manage it every day? No. But I get a good chunk most days, and that's enough to actually think something through and move the important stuff forward.

With little to no hard landscape, my problem isn't making time blocks, but using them. If I get on the right track early in the day, I can generally go ahead and get stuff done. If I get started on the wrong track, I may just follow it wherever it goes, which is often to one of those bad TimeTracker days.

My thoughts about organizing my time tend toward scheduling blocks of time for particular types of activities -- when to write code, when to Photoshop, when to do data entry, when to review and draft stuff, etc. I resist this for various reasons, not least of which is that it's GTD heresy. :)

I'll try to do a better job of setting actual weekly goals (for which things get done) first.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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