43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Teach me More to GTD than I Know !!

elo ppl ,

I am a student right now ,learning commerce and psychology,and just started practising meditation,so stress is off my chart list from some weeks.

I need a lil help from the experienced and non-experienced in how else can i implement GTD ,coz what I've used ,i like it , or I can modify

suprisingly my GTD implementation is so simple that I am scared i haven't implied it at all !!!

All on computer ,

for my capturing process, i fire up

Mindjet MindManager ,and everything I can think of is on a mindmap , everything , using mindmap it's easy to categorize em in the mindmap itself.

to process

I transfer my tasks to outlook ,and I sync em to my pocetpc ,using Pocket informant & Agenda fusion , in which I've categorized everything under 2 categories which have their own subcategories

@act -> contains next action sort of list such as

@location is the second one

where all locations such as college,office,home,online etc are taken

@tools is one which I hardly use,which has something like pens,colors , basically something very specific if needed to complete a task

whenever I go at someplace,i simply search on the basis of location ,or If I am doing a certain action .say call,i will again do a check on @act..call


project implementation as of right now , now refined.very crass method
that's all folks as of right now.

how else can i improve my efficiency ,what have i missed,what more can i do ?

animatedken's picture

you seem to have a...

you seem to have a very good system as it is.

personally, i like to keep my contexts very few and as simplified as possible. i just don't like being overwhelmed by too much "stuff", even in my gtd system. but then again, this system works for me, so depending on your lifestyle, it may or may not work for you.

one of the best tips i ever read about gtd is about choosing a system and commiting to it. don't switch from hipster to pda to pc application. so if you're comfortable with your system, then that's great. :)




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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