Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Whats you "Trusted System"
Mtchandler | Dec 13 2005
Hello all. I am brand new to the GTD system (Started one week ago). I am haveing some problems finding a good trusted system. I asked Merlin for advice and he directed me to you the reader for help. I am looking for suggestions on how to get this system into my life. thank you in advance for your answers and suggestions. Have a Very Merry Christmas 31 Comments
PDA, Mac and GTDSubmitted by jshock on January 31, 2006 - 12:16pm.
I use a palm m500 and sync regularly with my laptop (Sorry Merlin -- carrying around a stack of 3x5's and Moleskines seems complicated to me ;) . My GTD system is pretty simple. I keep all my lists in plain text files. I use an app called MacNoteTaker which allows me to sync folders with text files on my Palm. The MacNoteTaker app on the Palm allows me to edit them. I have two primary lists that I work from: Project List.txt and ToDo.txt. Project List.txt is one big list of all the project I am working on, divided by context: @Home, @Computer, @At Work, @Errands. I started with more, but have learned that it's best to keep it simple. ToDo.txt Is my daily ToDo list. This is the list I use most often. I reference at what I call "transitions": before I leave for work, before I head home, before I sit down at a computer etc. I also use it for capturing stuff that I want to sort through later. I have it divided into weekdays. I'll look at my calendar on Monday and put stuff onto the list. I updated it as needed throughout the day. Here's a simplified example ToDo TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY ERRANDS I have two sub-directories called Projects and Reference. Projecst are planning docs - a text file for each project. Reference is just that - text files of reference info. An important lesson I've learned - be flexible and keep it simple. Don't be afraid to continually tweak your system. If you spend more time on the system than on getting things done, then something is wrong. » POSTED IN: