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43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

GTD Outlook add-in?

A former coworker has been touting the benefits of the Outlook add-on available to download at David Allen's site, but I'm not convinced. Any comments? Does anyone out there love it? Why? Conversely, are there any haters out there? Why?


onepinktee's picture

Not being a Windows person...

emory wrote:

Not being a Windows person (I saw your VAIO) I can only recommend the usual solutions. I'm sure you've seen 'em all before, Backpackit.com, Airset, all the usual suspects.

If you haven't played with it, GTDTiddlyWiki is worth checking out if you're desk-bound a lot. I saw a thumbdrive in your WhatsInMyBag post IIRC. It works great on a thumbdrive.

I swear I'm not a stalker. I just have a sick fascination with luggage, bags, books, gadgets, and workspaces. Those flickr tags are absolute pornography to me.

Funny on so many levels. I actually have no idea what the usual suspects are, though I'll be googling Backpackit.com and Airset momentarily. :) I am low-tech beyond all reason. It helps that I work for a company that is also low-tech at heart. (We do strategic change consulting and our approach is high touch, not high-tech.)

Speaking of work, I just don't think separating work and life is possible, at least not the way I work and live. Forget balance, it's about integration, IMO. I have a lot of personal stuff on the Vaio, but I have stealthily uninstalled the software that backs up my HD to the server when I'm there. (I back up personal at home, and I'm vigilant about not saving work on my local drive.) Doesn't matter much. If the Vaio runs true to form, the HD will bite the big one about 3 days after the warranty expires anyhow. ;) (I love my Vaio, but don't ask how many I've had.)

I'll check out GTDTiddlyWiki. I've seen it mentioned, of course, but hadn't thought to investigate. Too busy making flickr notes...

Which brings me to...Emory, you stalker, you. ;) Don't sweat it, I'm with you on the tag porn. I've been thinking about what to pack for England later this month and thinking "why aren't there more annotated suitcase contents photos???" I was hanging my coat up the other day and thought, "I should take a photo of the coat closet and add some tags." This can only mean I am not well.

Thanks again for the nudge. I can't tell you how relieved I am that I don't need to embrace Outlook any more than necessary!

Edited to add: In the "I am not a stalker" vein, since you have comments disabled, let me say that your personal cards are swell. Don't you find them handy? :)




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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