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GTD Outlook add-in?

A former coworker has been touting the benefits of the Outlook add-on available to download at David Allen's site, but I'm not convinced. Any comments? Does anyone out there love it? Why? Conversely, are there any haters out there? Why?


emory's picture

See, this is exactly the...

onepinktee wrote:
See, this is exactly the sort of stuff I want to know about. I really don't like Outlook to begin with, and thought maybe the GTD plug-in would motivate me a little more, but the points you bring up are exactly why I am hesitant. Thanks, you just saved me a little bit of money and a whole lotta time. :)

I didn't want to get into that much with what could be perceived to be an irrational fear and hatred of Outlook just because it is Outlook.

Not everyone cares what gets pushed to the MegaCorp Exchange Server.

I do. I think most people should.

I think there is much to be said for keeping "Your Stuff" yours.

Especially if you ever do any freelance work, date, plan for meetings with "subversives" or use any colorful language when writing notes about clients, customers, or your bosses! Or have any friends, family, or business contacts that you think are yours and yours alone. Just who lives in your addressbook? It belongs to your employer, you know.

Employers can mine their resources however they want -- there is no expectation of privacy for employees. So if they refuse to make a statement that they will never do this, why should I make it easy for someone to snoop into my private life?

If you are one of those people that is able to "keep work and home seperate" which I largely think is a complete and utter falacy in my profession, there is something to be said for having all of @office in Outlook.

It didn't work for me because I think Outlook is incompetant, and because sometimes I'm on-call and I often have to work OoO[1]. I think a lot of us end up doing things for The Man when we're not at our desks or badged-in. So having a trusted system precludes me from using Outlook/Exchange in so many ways that I can't even consider it.

Not being a Windows person (I saw your VAIO) I can only recommend the usual solutions. I'm sure you've seen 'em all before, Backpackit.com, Airset, all the usual suspects.

If you haven't played with it, GTDTiddlyWiki is worth checking out if you're desk-bound a lot. I saw a thumbdrive in your WhatsInMyBag post IIRC. It works great on a thumbdrive.

I swear I'm not a stalker. I just have a sick fascination with luggage, bags, books, gadgets, and workspaces. Those flickr tags are absolute pornography to me.

What I'm using right now is a hipster in a moleskine mini, and Backpack. I have moved from a Sony Ericsson P910 to a Nokia N90 because managing my lists on my phone wasn't cutting it. I'm getting to the sweet spot I think, but it will be a while I'm sure before I have mastered my kung-fu grip.

[1] Out of Office




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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