Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Not Next Actions
Brad Blackman | Mar 20 2006
What do you do with things that don't really need to be done right away? They're definitely not next actions, but they're not quite ARE Someday/Maybes. Or maybe they ARE Someday/Maybes and I don't know it yet. Sometimes I feel like they fall somewhere in between; they're more half-baked ideas of things I'd like to do but don't really have the time, need, or tools or environment to do them. What do you do with such things? Also, does GTD create too much of a tendency to box everything into various categories, a very Western and Aristotelean tendency? 7 Comments
What do you do with...Submitted by emory on March 20, 2006 - 2:34pm.
Chrome47 wrote:
What do you do with things that don't really need to be done right away? They're definitely not next actions, but they're not quite ARE Someday/Maybes. Or maybe they ARE Someday/Maybes and I don't know it yet. Sometimes I feel like they fall somewhere in between; they're more half-baked ideas of things I'd like to do but don't really have the time, need, or tools or environment to do them. Give an example? A lot of Next Actions really are projects in disguise. It sounds like may need to file these on Someday/Maybe. If you have no deadline for them and will do it, someday, then Someday/Maybe is where it should live. If it is something you may not even ever do, that also is a Someday/Maybe :) You'll see it come review time, so you wont forget about it unless you decide you really aren't ever going to make it active. » POSTED IN: