43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

@Computer & !@Computer

If I do 100% GTD that would be my two lists. I am a pathetic computer geek who played on computers for fun and then got a job in the computer industry. The only difference between what I do from 9 to 5 and 5 to 9 is whether my I am at home with my pets or at work with my coworkers. I don't travel. I don't spend time in waiting rooms or conference rooms between meetings with list of phone calls to make. I'm not a manger, so I don't even attend many meetings. I have very few distinct catagories to divide stuff up into. And one giant long list just turns into your run-of-the-mill ToDo list. I am at a loss how to apply GTD to my life when it is practically one big blob covering two standard deviations of what I do from the alarm waking me up to the alarm telling me it is time to go into hibernate mode.

Has anybody else felt like GTD seems to be for "executives" only?

stevecooper's picture

I know what you mean,...

I know what you mean, TJ, but I've found that it helps to seperate paid work at the office, work on my own projects at home, and other playing on computers. The distinction is about when I -should- be doing something. If something's on @WORK, I should do it 9-5, if it's @PC I should be doing it at home, etc.

I've computerised all this, so at work all I see are my @WORK items; when I go home, @WORK can be filtered out, which is a nice way of seperating work and play.

Just as a point of reference, my contexts are; @SHOP, @WORK, @HOME, @PC (home pc) , @WRITE (near writing equipment), @PLAN (something needs to be planned), @SOMEDAY, @PHONE, and @WAIT. Seems to be enough to filter out things I can't do, which is the benefit of GTD for me; letting me forget the vast mass of stuff I have to do when I have no ability to act on it.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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