43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Open Thread: What's your favorite minimalist wallet?

Like most 43F articles on economical carriage and stowage, the Jimi post attracted a lot of interest. Makes me think it's time for an open thread: What's your favorite minimalist wallet? Jimi? Slimmy? Moneyclip? Coin purse? Goin' commando? Spill in comments (and feel free to link to canonical product pages or price compar-i-nators like Froogle).

My own winner for minimalism? Starting before a trip to New York in the late 80s, I started wrapping my driver's license, ATM card, and a bill or two in a couple of my Goody pony tail holders (shut up). I think that was my wallet for at least the next two years -- until I got my first real job and decided to go cowhide again. Still, it remains one of my favorites.

Paul's picture

Here's the Ex Officio pouch...

Here's the Ex Officio pouch I referred to in my previous post. The call it a "floating Pocket" because it clips onto a loop in Ex Officio pants. I've been carrying this for about a year now, and it's been great. You can carry a lot or a little, and the nylon itself is thin & not bulky at all.

You could cut off the lanyard if you don't want it. I've got some ExO pants, so I use it when I'm wearing them. The idea is that you can access the pouch's contents (lanyard is long enough you can easily get it out to pay at the cash register, etc.) but it won't fall out into the Amazon when you're out eco-touring.

I still carry more than most minimalists. For me, that important-but-not-frequent stuff gives me less stress if I just carry it, versus trying to make sure I've got, for example, my health insurance card for tomorrow's eye appointment. Although, I am tempted to do what some posters have done and make my own multipurpose card to thin the herd a bit.

I don't carry change in here, but you could. I have, however, been known to put my Fisher Space Pen in the floating pocket.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Scared Shitless

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