Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Open Thread: The "43 Folders" of health and fitness sites?
Merlin Mann | Feb 8 2006
Over the last six months or so, I've gotten a lot of requests via email from people looking for (yes, thanks, more than one person called it this) "the 43 Folders of (health|exercise|fitness) sites." Naturally I set my Google fu in motion, fully expecting to turn up dozens of excellent sites on how to stay motivated about workouts, how to eat properly, and how to psych (or "hack," if you prefer) yourself into straightening out, losing weight, and getting that fat ass in motion. Funny thing: I came up pretty thin -- and not in that good, healthy, slender kind of thin way. In at least three sittings of searching over the past few months, I just did not turn up more than a couple of independent sites that really blew me away. Really surprising, and maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. Like under a 12-pack of beer and a rib roast. BUT. I'm sure they're out there, and I can't think of smarter people to ask than you, so you tell me: what's your favorite website or blog about getting healthy? What are your favorite apps for tracking progress and watching a diet? Who's got the best "health hacks?" Post your faves in comments and help your geeky friends get as theoretically fit as they are theoretically organized. 95 Comments
![]() a couple of favorite things...Submitted by girmander (not verified) on February 9, 2006 - 11:26am.
a couple of favorite things i use as hacks: - i use this all the time to track my workouts. in addition to a slick interface that makes you motivated, it has all sorts of charts and graphs. granted, the only color coding is running and race-but it's nice to see the chart get full of orange and gray's Here is a good article for those who would like to start a morning workout. i've fallen off of the bandwagon on my morning triathalon workout but i hope to use this website as a way to program myself to get up @ 5am again. i too have a HR monitor. with 3 alarms and memory to track 7 workouts. i love love love my suunto (they had some in the outlet section but no more :( )!! another way i "trick" myself is to go directly to the gym after work for my afternoon workouts. i also set a schedule up for my workouts and not deviate from the plan. training for a tri gives me all the cross training i need as well as enough variety for my "ADD-ness". this may be ALOT to do for most people but i find that light/moderate exercise is AS beneficial as a really grueling workout. i follow this formula: 5 30-45 min morning workouts (aka 5am weekday workouts) 7 regular workouts 30min-1.5 hours long. within those time slots i set a goal of biking 2x/week, running 3x/week, swimming 2x/week, pilates 1x/week, lifting 1-2x/week, and yoga to fill in those gaps. as it falls, my running and biking usually ends up being my early morning workouts where as everything else is a afternoon workout. thus i can kind of structure what i do yet, give me the illusion of freedom of chosing or doubling (lifting/yoga, pilates/lifting ect...) what to do in the afternoon workouts. as for food, i've always stuck to this plan: meat, veggie (sauteed or steamed) and a carb (brown rice is my choice). i've also learned to shop the perimeter of the grocery store and not the aisles. sorry about the long post! » POSTED IN: