Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Faking fullscreen mode on your Mac
Merlin Mann | Nov 15 2005
I forget where, but someone once mentioned that you could probably emulate fullscreen mode in most OS X apps by using the "Universal Access" PreferencePane (if I'm stealing this idea from you uncredited, send the link and I'll correct the error with my thanks). Anyhow, this rules. Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty fast to set up, and if you're as easily distracted as I am, it's a handy way to minimize distractions and force yourself into focusing on just one thing.
When you're finished (or any other time), flip off "Zoom" and you're done. So, how'd it work for you? (N.B. I wrote this up kind of fast, so tell me if I missed anything that's not obvious or is peculiar to my own setup) Credit where due
![]() Brilliant. Am going to use...Submitted by Linley (not verified) on November 17, 2005 - 8:04pm.
Brilliant. Am going to use it all the time. Very timely too as I've been trawling the interweb like a crazywoman in the last couple of days, desperately downloading demo's to every text editing app with fullscreen I can find. (Recently found hidden away beta with lots of potential, ) - unfortunately rejecting most for various fussy personal aesthetic and other reasons to long and boring to go into here. Filthy-desperate, I tell you! I'm about to take myself and my ibook on a three-week brainstorming and writing holiday, to a sunny place, and in lieu of finding an app that does what I want it to in all other ways, OR one that actually even implements fullscreen itself in a way I like...I am going to utilise this junior, but fabulous, and 'it'll damn well do the job for right now' systemspref-option-cum-hack. Bless you Merlin, for your timeliness - I will now go on my holiday with a bit more hair....and sans nagging shareware reminders, proprietary formats or database issues. Just me, the ZOOM, textedit, and some kinky green type on an endless sea of black.... Aahhh. (sigh) Simple, simple pleasures sometimes. :-) » POSTED IN: