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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
10.4.3 update; Getting into “that backup habit”
Merlin Mann | Nov 1 2005
macosxhints - 10.4: OS X 10.4.3 update released MacOSXHints covers a few of the 500+ 10.4.3 updates that are worth not missing. Two that popped out for me:
I'll take all the updates I can get. Now will someone please make MailEnhancer work again! Paranoia, Part II have, I must admit, become one of those people who waits a week before running OS X updates. I used to be "that excited guy" until I learned a) new cuts of Safari almost always break one or more of my (and Pimp My Safari's) must-have plugins (Saft, SafariStand, PithHelmet); b) there's nearly always at least one deal-killer booger that sends me into two days of hair-pulling kernel panics, restarts, font removals, DiskWarrior runs etc. (Yes, thanks, I actually have modded almost every aspect of my setup in incredibly haphazard ways.) As ever, kids: do yourself a favor and run a Safety Backup using SuperDuper. If anything goes kerflooey, you can do a perfect rollback to the snapshot of your disk before updating, then you're back to work with almost zero downtime. Seriously, just get in the SuperDuper habit just in general. Paranoia, Part IIA propos of nothing, here's my current backup and SuperDuper schedule:
My next, extraordinarily paranoid move; buy a 2nd 250GB external, clone from the current backup drive, and rotate offsite every other month. Crazy? You bet. Just remember Merlin's Two Immutable Laws of Data Paranoia™:
Actually, you know what? Go backup now. Just burn your Documents onto a DVD or zip up your Preferences and Gmail them to yourself. All this talk is making me really nervous. 22 Comments
![]() backup to DVD? Yeah, right! I was...Submitted by Lea from Whats My IP Address? (not verified) on November 1, 2005 - 9:50pm.
backup to DVD? Yeah, right! I was having power problems recently and decided to do a backup. Normally I dont fuss about it too much, because I keep all my actual work on the server, which is a mirrored array, but it really looked she was going to blow, so I wanted to backup. I couldn't do a DVD burn. It didn't like one of my files and wouldn't let me write a DVD. I ended up dropping individual folders onto the directory. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper :( » POSTED IN: