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Applescript to "sync" iCal to your Hipster PDA


Mike McCamon offers a clever way to get just his task list from iCal printed onto index cards for his Hipster PDA. Applescript to the rescue:

Then I went to print. Crap. I can't print just the Task list - I have to take the Calendar too. Enter AppleScript. With a little copy and pasting from code I found around the web I came up with a script to print only the Tasks of a selected Calendar. I also modified that script to print me all my Next Actions from all my Calendars.

Haven't tried it yet (not an iCal user, myself), but given the number of folks linking to Mike, I suspect it must work.

Also, +1 for the excellent disclaimer, Mike; I can see we share a personal liability.

[ via Sync Your HipsterPDA to Your Mac - Lifehacker ]

Rick Vug's picture

If you copy and paste...

If you copy and paste the text given in the updated version of the post the scripts will work.

However, before you bother be advised that the script is limited in that it merely outputs the selected to do's into plain text form onto the clipboard.

What is needed is a way to then copy that text into a document the size of an index card and print it automatically. I'm not sure how to do this, but I am guessing that it would be fairly simple to write.

As an iCal user, this is something that I might just use regularly if it was a bit more seamlessly integrated. I have a pocket Moleskin that I use to capture notes and such when I am on the road and index cards would be the perfect thing to have in the back.

What I would be interested to hear is how people are using and abusing the iCal system in their own workflow. I have a love/hate relationship with the program.

I love that it is simple, well integrated and allows me to keep track of everything I need to.

I Hate it because it is limited in the way that it sorts and categorizes data. I want to be able to sort by project and by does not allow me to organize things by where I perform the next action (ie. @computer, @errands etc.).

Right now I have so many lists flying around (25 at last count) that I am starting to not trust the system, which is a serious sign that something isn't working. The one new feature that has helped tremendously is the simple ability to create groups of calendars, which I can then turn on and off in unison.

For example, I have all of my lists (someday maybe, books to read, personal goals etc.) sitting within a group, so when I need to see what is on my plate at a current moment all I have to do is turn off the group and all of the distractions are instantly gone.

Anyhow, this post is fairly unfocused and has rambled on long enough. I think what I am realizing is that there needs to be a good, solid post on methods of adapting GTD into iCal.

On this note, if anyone out there on this here inter-web wants to share their own iCal workflow and hacks please email me (rickvug [at] gmail [dot] com) so that I can put this all together into a post on my blog to share with anyone who cares to listen.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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